Friday, September 13, 2024

grandma's cookbook - Apple, Apple Pie!

You may be thinking I had a typo in my title for this post; after all, I did type, "apple"  twice, but it is no typo! Fall is just around the corner and since I live in West Michigan; otherwise known as, "Apple Country", when Fall arrives my thoughts go to apples . . . apple cider, apple pie, apple muffins, caramel apples . . . well, you get it . . . apples!

So, as I browsed Pinterest this morning I saw a recipe for Apple, Apple Pie and thought it would be great fun to share it with you! This is an apple pie which is baked in apples! Hence the Apple, Apple Pie! Just follow this link and you will find the recipe and directions for making these cute little Apple, Apple Pies . . . I think they'd be particularly enjoyable with a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!  What do you think? Enjoy!

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