Monday, September 2, 2024

Grandmas, Don't Forget to Show Love in the Little Ways

Yes, there are many things we do as grandparents to show love to our grandchildren - big things . . . but there are also little things we need to remember to do as well. We may think the little things do not really matter, but the thing about the little things is sometimes they are actually the "big" things. 

With this in mind, let's think about some of the "little/big things" . . . 
  • Do not allow your cookie jar to be empty . . . unless you are waiting for your grandchildren to arrive so you can make cookies together! 
  • Make time for the hugs - pay attention and be sure everyone receives at least one when they are at your house. When my grandsons were younger I told them hugs were actually a way to help them live longer - my then five year old middle grandson said, "Well, then you are sure going to live for a long time because you give a lot of hugs, grandma!"
  • Fix favorite their foods when your grands are over.
  • Listen. Put aside tech and truly listen to the things your grands have to say.
  • Make time to connect in ways which matter to your grands.
  • Play games together - we just started playing Abducktion - the weirdly satisfying duck kidnapping game - check it out, my almost 16 year old grandson loves it!
These may seem like a small things, but discover what your "little things" are and then pay attention to them. Do not forget them, because some of the "little things" are really the big things - the things your grandchildren will remember.

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