Monday, September 9, 2024

Today is California Admission Day!

For those of you, including some of my family, who live in California, today is the day to celebrate the day in 1850 when it became the 31st State of the Union! So, to help them celebrate, let's look at some of their silly laws and then some interesting fun facts about California - did you know . . .

  • It is unlawful to shoot at any game bird or mammal, including a marine mammal from a powerboat, sailboat, motor vehicle, or airplane.
  • All persons wishing to keep a rhinoceros as a pet must obtain a $100 license first. 
  • It is illegal for women to drive vehicles while wearing a housecoat in all of California.
  • In Blythe, you can only wear cowboy boots if you own at least two cows.
  • It is illegal to walk a camel down Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 P.M.
  • In Los Angeles, you cannot hunt moths under street lamps.
  • Walking an elephant down Market Street in San Francisco is illegal unless the elephant is on a leash.
You'll find more silly laws at this link. Now for some interesting fun facts - did you know . . . 
  • California is also known as ‘The Golden State, ‘The Land of Milk and Honey,’ ‘The El Dorado State,’ and ‘The Grape State.’
  • California was originally called the "Grizzly Bear State", but has been renamed the Golden State as the bears went extinct.
  • It's motto is "Eureka" The Greek word means “I have found it!” and alludes to the discovery of gold in the Sierra Nevada.
  • California’s official state tree is the redwood, as designated in 1937.
  • Over 300,000 tons of grapes are grown in California annually, and the state produces more than 17 million gallons of wine each year!
  • In 1873 blue jeans were imported for miners from Europe, making San Francisco the first place in the U.S. where jeans were worn.
You will find more information about California at this link. Now, since I lived a few years in California and it is where I met my husband - we met on an active volcano (Mt. Lassen), I will share some of my own fun information about California with you!
  • It is a fantastic place to meet someone who will be your husband - at least it was for me!
  • Northern California - the part North of Sacramento - is the most beautiful place on the face of the Earth! Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta, and the Trinity Alps allow you to see mountains in three directions (if you are in Redding, CA.)
  • Mt. Lassen Volcanic National Park is the least visited of our National Parks - but the most beautiful! You are able to actually easily climb to the top of Lassen, visit the Sulfur Pits (picture a miniature Yellowstone geyser), hike through underground lava tunnels left from the last time Lassen erupted - and see mountain after mountain - it is SO beautiful. Absolutely go visit - but not during fire season.
  • Mt. Shasta is north of Redding and is the same mountain you see on cans of Shasta Cola! There are people who believe aliens live under Mt. Shasta! 
  • Burney Falls - between Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta is the waterfall you see in some of the original Tarzan movies! You are able to actually hike around the falls by using bridges below and above the Falls.
  • Castle Craigs just south of Mt. Lassen is a fantastic place to climb and explore - one time when my husband was mountain climbing and repelling on Castle Craigs, he came face to face with a mountain lion!
  • Lake Shasta is the largest man-made lake/reservoir in California. Unless there is a drought, it is a beautiful place to enjoy the waters - there are Sturgeon fish in the lake - REALLY big ones!
  • Of course California also has the Redwoods, Yosemite, and a very long coastline.
If you enjoy experiencing beautiful outdoor places and seeing interesting things, then a visit to California is a way to do these things for sure!

Share the info in this post about California with the children you love - I send it to my grandsons and they always enjoy reading about the silly laws and interesting facts!

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