Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today is National Virginia Day!

Yes, if you - or someone you love - live in Virginia, today is a day to celebrate! I lived there for a few months many years ago, and found it to be a beautiful place. So, let's look at some of their silly laws and a few fun facts - be sure to share with the children you love. Did you know . . . 

  • Swearing at someone over the phone in Virginia is punishable by a $100 fine.
  • Law requires all bathtubs to be kept out in the yards, not inside the houses.
  • It is illegal for a woman to drive a car up Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag.
  • No person may keep a skunk as a pet.
  • No one may wash a mule on the sidewalk.
Okay, well, you will find more silly laws from Virginia at this link. Now for some interesting fun facts - did you know . . .
  • Virginia was one of the original 13 Colonies in 1776.
  • It is estimated that the first people to settle in Virginia arrived 18,000 years ago. The history of the area can be traced back to various indigenous groups, notably the ‘Powhatan.’
  • Virginia’s nickname is ‘The mother of all states,’ ‘The Mother of Presidents,’ or ‘The Old Dominion.’
  • ‘Raccoon,’ ‘moccasin,’ ‘hickory,’ ‘moose,’ ‘skunk,’ and ‘chipmunk’ are all derived from Native American languages spoken in Virginia.
  • Eight presidents of the United States emerged from the state of Virginia.
  • The first Thanksgiving was held in Virginia.
You will find more information about Virginia at this link. Happy National Virginia Day!

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