Friday, January 31, 2025

just for fun . . . !yaD sdrawkcaB si tI (It is Backwards Day!)

Yes, today is truly, "just for fun" because it is Backwards Day!  "Backward Day is a day to do everything backwards. Use your imagination, and Backward Day can be lots of fun. It's especially popular with school aged kids. Try writing backwards or reading backwards. Wear your shirt with the back in the front. Eat your meal, starting with dessert. Now this is what I call fun! Walk backwards, or talk backwards. Play a board game backwards, from the finish line to the start. Are you starting to get the picture!? This day is limited only by your imagination."   

I thought it would be fun to share some Backwards Day facts - did you know . . .
  • A study showed students who reversed the order in which they normally prepared for tests had a high success rate.
  • Superman's opposite-based villain Bizarro comes from Bizarro world, a fictional planet where everything is backward including their Earth which is called Htrae.
  • It has been theorized bananas are meant to be peeled from bottom to the top.
  • There are conspiracy theories which claim certain songs played backward, like certain Led Zeppelin songs and The Beatles songs, reveal hidden messages.
  • Penguins are known for being adorable flightless birds, but they’re also unable to walk backward.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci practiced mirror-writing, writing text in the opposite direction which could be read in a mirror.
You will find a history of Backwards Day and ideas for celebrating it at this link - Enjoy . . . or should I put, yojnE!

How might you celebrate Backwards Day with your grandchildren? 

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