Wednesday, February 5, 2025

crafting with grandma . . . Puzzle Heart Frames!

Do you have boxes of puzzles in your home which sit unused or have missing pieces? Are you looking for a creative idea for something fun you could do with all those puzzle pieces? Well . . . I was browsing on  Pinterest the other day and saw some very cute puzzle hearts and thought, "those would make great photo frames!" So, if you are interested in being creative with those unused puzzles, consider the following . . . 

  • Collect your puzzles, arrange the pieces by size and color - red pieces in one pile, white in another, give the blue pieces their own pile, etc . . . 
  • Grab some sturdy glue - I like clear liquid nails - some wax paper and begin shaping and gluing your hearts! You may want to make a double width for the frame to make it easier for you to put a photo in it.
  • Once your frame is glued, allow it to dry
  • Cut a sturdy back from a thicker cardboard or tagboard and glue to your heart - leaving a space at the top so you can insert your photo
  • Glue a photo hanger to the back or make an easel using cardboard and display!
This would be a fun craft to make with your grandchildren - just be careful with the glue! It would also be something wonderful to display in your home - of course with a photo of your grandchildren in it!

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