Saturday, February 15, 2025

February is the Great American Pie Month - and a Great Time to Make a Peach Pie!

While I enjoy peach pie now and then - especially with a little scoop of vanilla ice cream, I almost never make them. But February is a great time to make this wonderful pie because February tends to be cold outside, so it is the perfect time to warm your house by baking a peach pie - and one of the bonuses for doing so it the fantastic aroma which comes when you bake a peach pie!

I found a recipe online for peach pie - you will find it at this link. So, gather the children you love and let them help you make a pie - if they are little, you might trace their hand on pie dough, to top the pie with "handprints" instead of lattice - wouldn't this be SO much fun! If you do be sure to take photos - which will last much longer than the pie! Enjoy!

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