Spring is not far away, so to celebrate, today I thought I'd share some animal fun facts with you which you can share with the children you love - did you know . . .
- Male seahorses actually give birth to offspring. This is impossible for human beings.
- Tiger sharks have anywhere from 10 to 80 young in one birth. The largest number of human children who have survived from one birth are the octuplets born on 26 January 2009 - six boys and two girls born to Nadya Suleman (USA)
- Kangaroos have two wombs. While rare, this does occur in humans -- there have been cases of mothers with two wombs giving birth to triplets.
- Giraffes are born with the mother standing up, on the lookout for predators. This means a long drop of 5 to 7 feet to the ground -- long enough to break the baby's umbilical cord. Ancient drawings show human women giving birth standing up as well, and contemporary mothers interested in natural birth sometimes opt for this position (though there's always someone there to catch the baby!)
Which of these animal fun facts did you find to be the most interesting or surprising? I thought all were interesting, but I'd have to say I'm very, VERY glad I didn't have ten to eighty young in one birth!
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