Monday, February 10, 2025

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Here's some news to brighten your day and challenge you to do so with others . . . on this day 27 years ago the first annual "Random Acts of Kindness Week" began. Originally, the idea to “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” came to Anne Herbert while sitting in a Sausalito cafe during the 1980s.

This year "Random Acts of Kindness Week" will begin on the 12th - so, be thinking over the coming days what you will do to show kindness to others - especially next week. I know this may take some of the "randomness" out of it, but being kind is always a good idea whether planned or random! You are able to learn more about Random Acts of Kindness Week at this link.

(And, on this day volleyball was invented in 1895, Space Shuttle astronauts Bernard A. Harris, Jr. and Michael Foale become the first African-American and first Briton to perform spacewalks in 1995)

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