Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Today is Hug Day!

While every day is a day to hug those you love, in my opinion, today is a day to especially focus on hugging others, "to encourage people to show affection to each other." says, "Hugs are very versatile. Many of us hug when we wish to share our happiness with family and friends. At the same time, hugs are a staple when we are feeling low and need someone to just hold and console us. Hugs are also the perfect reconciliatory gesture when you want to make up with someone after a fight. Scientifically, hugs are known to release good hormones that can help lower your blood pressure and stress levels." Yes, hugs are beneficial, so let's learn a few more things about hugs - did you know . . .

  • The word ‘hug’ is thought to come from the Old Norse word ‘hugga’, which means “to comfort”.
  • Other scholars speculate the word may have originated from the German word ‘hegen’ which roughly translates to ‘cherish’ or ‘foster’. 
  • Babies, who know nothing about the outside world, reach out to their mothers/fathers for a dose of love and comfort. In fact, if babies do not receive regular cuddles and hugs from their parents, their relationship tends to take a beating.
  • Having daily hugs is a necessary way to maintain relationships. 
  • Hugs also release the happy hormone called oxytocin, reducing cortisol, which is the stress hormone. 
  • Hugging has tons of benefits, and some of them include reducing stress and blood pressure levels whilst boosting our immune systems and improving our mental health. 
  • In 2018 Researchers at Mulawarman University in Indonesia discover hug therapy helps adolescents suffering from depression.
  • There are several different types of hugs, so they are not limited to just three. However, the three most common types of hugs could be the side hug, front hug, and hugging from behind. 
  • Yes, hugging can help increase your immunity and help you fight against viral/bacterial ailments.
You will find more about hugs at this link - so take time today to hug those you love - if they live far, send a virtual hug! Happy, Let's Hug Day!

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