Monday, February 17, 2025

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day!

While I think it would be an excellent "policy" to do something kind for someone every day; today is, "Random Acts of Kindness Day"! So, on this day to be kind, be sure to do kind things for others! What kind of kind things, you ask? Well, just a few kind things could include . . . 

  • Send someone an e-card ( has free ecards - check them out!)
  • Spend time with someone - especially someone who is typically alone
  • Make someone laugh
  • Be generous - and sincere - with compliments
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Let someone go in front of you
  • Bake a treat for a neighbor
  • Read to a child
  • Buy a coffee, lunch or other item for the person in line behind you
These are just a few ideas to get you thinking . . . you'll find literally hundreds more at this link. I think the best idea is to commit to be a person who is kind every day to every person we meet! Make every day a random acts of kindness day and other's will be blessed by your presence and you will experience joy! What could possibly be better?

And, help your grandchildren make the choice to do the same! Consider giving them weekly kindness challenges . . . each week brainstorm with them to think of one kind thing they could do every day for a week . . . help mom get lunches ready, help siblings with chores, look for children who tend to be "left out" at school and include them, thank teachers . . . the list goes on and on! If we help our grandchildren learn to be children who are kind, they will grow up to be adults who are kind!

And, for something kind from me to you . . . I looked on-line and found a site with FREE posters, cards, tags, bookmarks and other items which you can download and print to give out and brighten the day of others on this day for kindness! You'll find them all at this link!

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