Sunday, March 9, 2025

crafting with grandma - Handprint Flowers & Handprint Easter Lily Brooches!

Resurrection Sunday is just a little over a month away, so if you are looking for a special craft you could help your grandchildren make as an Easter gift for their mother . . . make handprint flowers or take a good look at this craft I found on  Pinterest! I love how the flowers and the "lily" are made from the handprints of children! If you have two grandchildren, you could make it using one handprint from each of them! If you have more than two grandchildren, you could make more than one lily - but however you do it, and whichever you choose these are sure to be crafts a mother will cherish . . . you could make an additional one for yourself too, as grandmothers will cherish it, without a doubt! 

Follow the links and you'll find a photo tutorial for making this "lily" pin - for whom will you make it?

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