Monday, March 10, 2025

The Dr. Seuss Quote for Today - Today is Your Day . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today . . . "Today is your day! Your mountain is  waiting. So . . . get on your way!" What is your "mountain" just waiting for you to "climb" it? What can you do to "get on your way" today? We all have challenges and goals and while we may sometimes feel overwhelmed by them, remember, if we trust in God He will give us the strength we need to not only "get on our way", but to do so with "new strength"!  Isaiah 40:31  says, "But those who trust the LORD will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles  soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.So, you could look at this saying as, "Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So . . . trust God for your strength to get on your way!" What will you trust God for today?

Be sure to point this out to your grandchildren, too! Talk with them about God's amazing promise to give us strength wen we trust Him! Ask them what their "mountains" or challenges or goals are, then spend some time praying with them to thank and praise God for the strength He gives. Consider helping them make their own eagle  which they could set on their dresser or desk to remind them to trust God for the strength to get on their way! Be sure to take a moment to pray for each grandchild by name - "Thank You God for giving _____ strength when he/she trusts You!  Please help him/her be strong in Your strength so he/she can get on their way!"

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