Monday, March 3, 2025

There is No One Alive Who is "Youer" Than You

In the past I have shared a Dr. Seuss Quote each day throughout the month of March - since Dr. Seuss' birthday is in March. He had some really excellent quotes for sure. Today I am sharing one again - "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." 

I love this quote and it is truer than true! As you go through this day remember, God created you - and your children and grandchildren - to be the amazing, incredible people you are. Psalm 139:16 says . . . 
"But with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.
Most importantly, you all are of infinite value to God . . . so much so He sent Jesus to die for us, so we are able to live with Him forever! Just look at Ephesians 1:4-6 . . . 
"Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with him and to be his holy and innocent and loving people. God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God's own adopted children. God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God." 
God created us with our own fingerprints, our own eye color, hair color, and smile, so take a moment to think about the person God created you to be - as well as the people He created the ones you love to be, and thank Him! 

Be sure to point these things out to your children and grandchildren as well. You could have them make handprints on paper or fabric and then talk about how God created them to be the unique, amazing, special, and greatly loved people they are. Spend time affirming each one . . .

Thank You God for creating ________! Please help him/her know before his/her body was formed, You saw him/her. Please help him/her know before the world was created, You chose him/her to live with You and be Your adopted child. Please remind him/her today how very much You love him/her.
#grandmas #handingdownconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo #grandparentingonpurpose

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