- Be mindful - We can’t change something if we don’t recognize there is something to change. By simply becoming aware of our negative self-talk, we begin to distance ourselves from the feelings it brings up. This enables us to identify with them less. Without this awareness, we can easily fall into the trap of believing our self-limiting talk, and as meditation teacher Allan Lokos says, “Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that—thoughts.”
- Change the story - We all have a narrative or a story we’ve created about ourselves which shapes our self-perceptions, upon which our core self-image is based. If we want to change the story, we have to understand where it came from and where we received the messages we tell ourselves. Whose voices are we internalizing? You can start with affirmations. What do you wish you believed about yourself? Repeat these phrases to yourself every day."
- Exercise - Many studies have shown a correlation between exercise and higher self-esteem, as well as improved mental health. “Exercising creates empowerment both physically and mentally,” says Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress, “especially weight lifting where you can calibrate the accomplishments. Exercise organizes your day around self-care.” She suggests dropping a task daily from your endless to-do list for the sole purpose of relaxation or doing something fun, and seeing how it feels. Other forms of self-care, such as proper nutrition and sufficient sleep, have also been shown to have positive effects on one’s self-perception.
- Do unto others - Hershenson suggests volunteering to help those who may be less fortunate. “Being of service to others helps take you out of your head. When you are able to help someone else, it makes you less focused on your own issues.” There is much truth to the fact of what we put out there into the world tends to boomerang back to us. To test this out, spend a day intentionally putting out positive thoughts and behaviors toward those with whom you come into contact. As you go about your day, be mindful of what comes back to you, and also notice if your mood improves.
- Remember you are not your circumstances - Finally, learning to differentiate between your circumstances and who you are is key to self-worth. “Recognizing inner worth, and loving one’s imperfect self, provide the secure foundation for growth,” says Schiraldi. “With this security, one is free to grow with enjoyment, not fear of failure—because failure doesn’t change core worth.” We are all born with infinite potential and equal worth as human beings. That we are anything less is a false belief which we have learned over time. Therefore, with hard work and self-compassion, self-destructive thoughts and beliefs can be unlearned.
You will find more steps and ideas in this excellent article at the following link and you will find more information about National Each Person is a Person of Worth Day at this link.
So, please take time today to celebrate your own worth, and the worth of those around you - Happy National Each Person is a Person of Worth Day!
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