Showing posts with label grandma's Christmas gift ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandma's Christmas gift ideas. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2012

grandma's Christmas give-away - Boca Java Coffee!

Pacamara Direct Trade CoffeeAs I write this post I'm enjoying an incredibly delicious cup of Boca Java's Pacamara Direct Trade Coffee  . . . it smells and tastes incredible! Boca Java coffee is roasted when the order is placed . . . this means you no longer have to settle for "stale" coffee! Coffee which is fresh roasted far surpasses regular coffee you buy in the store - who knows how long it has been since that coffee was roasted! With Boca Java you know your coffee is roasted and shipped to you so you have it within days of when it was roasted. This makes all the world of difference in how aromatic and tasty your coffee will be!