Thursday, September 28, 2023

Today is National Good Neighbor Day

Today is National Good Neighbor Day which, according to nationaltoday (dot) com, is a day where "we do fun activities to bond with our neighboring families. It’s a great way to break the ice and build long-lasting relationships for community development."

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

grandma's bookshelf - Sidney and Norman - a tale of two pigs


Today I'm happy to let you know about a book I particularly enjoy. It is an older book, but definitely one worth getting if you do not already have it.

I love children's books because they typically tell a good story, with illustrations and a point . . . something to talk about with children. But I also love children's books because more often than not they have a point for adults, too! This book is most certainly one such book . . . while you may think it is a children's book . . . it is actually a book for adults!

Toy Review from Folkmanis Puppets

Over the years I have reviewed a number of items as gift ideas and with Christmas here before we know it, I thought I'd go back and pull a few of my past reviews to recommend again this year. If you are looking for gift ideas, consider this . . . 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

grandma's Christmas ideas . . . Cuisinart Coffee on Demand!


Over the years I have reviewed a number of items as gift ideas and with Christmas just around the corner, I thought I'd go back and pull a few of my past reviews to recommend again this year. If you are looking for gift ideas, consider this . . .  

Many, if not most, of the items in my Christmas Gift Reviews are certainly for children . . . toys, games, dolls, plush toys, puzzles, books, etc. But, there are a couple things which are for grandma - or grandpa, mom or dad! One of these things is the Cuisinart Coffee-on-Demand 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker!

Today is National Family Day

You are likely familiar with Mother's Day, Father's Day, Children's Day, and Grandparents Day, but do you know about National Family Day? Well, today is National Family Day and according to nationaltoday (dot) com it, "puts the spotlight on the people who make our lives meaningful. Families come in many forms and sizes and under different circumstances, but what they all share is unconditional love and support for those growing on the same family tree. From nuclear family units to extended clans, families can drive us crazy and make life worth living. Take some time today to appreciate the special folks in your life — give them a call, take them out to lunch, or send them a note to let them know you’re thinking of them!"

So before we look at what to do to celebrate your family, let's look at some fun facts about families, did you know . . .

How to Code: A Step-By-Step Guide to Computer Coding

A few years ago I received a delivery of a book as my husband and I were headed out to pick up my grandsons from school. When my then eight-year old grandson got in the car, I held up the book for him to see. His eyes got very big, he smiled an enormous smile as he said; “Coding!!!” He happily accepted the book and spent the rest of the ride to our house (and most of the evening – until I told him it was time to put the book down and go to sleep at 10:39) reading this new book on coding.

Monday, September 25, 2023

"There are a LOT of 'Fives' in How Old You are, Grandma."

Nine years ago, on this day, my then six year old grandson told me . . . "There are a LOT of 'fives' in how old you are, grandma. Not that I'm saying you are old!!!" Apparently they were working on counting by fives at school. 😃  Remembering this put a huge smile on my face today, so I had to share it with you!

Today is National Cooking Day!

On Nationaltoday (dot) com they say; "It can be easy to get in a rut of constantly ordering takeout, heating-up frozen meals, or settling for a dinner of apples and cheese. But if you want to feel truly nourished, nothing beats a home-cooked meal. It’s nice to slow down and enjoy the process of preparing your own food — and the joy of eating it! This is why we’re celebrating National Cooking Day on September 25. National Cooking Day encourages and inspires each of us to discover something new and enjoyable in the kitchen. It’s a time to learn a knew skill by preparing something delicious for loved ones — and ourselves. So put on your aprons and let’s get cooking!"

Sunday, September 24, 2023

grandma's favorites - the Dremel Multi-Max

If you want to get a jump on your Christmas shopping and are looking for a gift for the guys - older, teen grandchildren, grown sons, and husbands - or handy people in your lives, consider the following. Dremel is known for making quality tools which have been well designed with attention given to the details. They have a multi-tasking tool which will give you what you need to repair, remodel or restore . . . the Multi-Max!

Jambo Books - I Highly Recommend These Books

I was invited to review a few books from Jambo Books, which I shared with you last week. Today I want to tell you about Jambo Books - it was started by Runako and Mijha, parents of two young girls. They "believe the stories we tell our kids matter, and from their youngest years, children learn who and what we value. We continually reinforce this conception with the stories we tell them and the characters in those stories.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Cuisinart 3-in-1 Cooker!


Over the years I have reviewed a number of items as gift ideas or for things to add to your own kitchen, so I thought I'd go back and pull a few of my past reviews to recommend again this year. If you are looking for gift ideas, consider this . . . 

Cuisinart sent me one of their 3-In-1 Cook Centrals so I could try it out and then write about it. So, today I want to tell you about the Cuisinart 3-In-1 Cook Central -

grandma's chuckles - Out of the Mouths of Babes . . .

Don't you just love it when your sweet grandchildren say something profound?  Something which gets your attention and makes you wonder how they ever came up with what they said? Something which you, of course, had to share on facebook?!!! Something which makes you laugh each time it shows up in your "memories" and you think about it all over again?

Friday, September 22, 2023

Shenanigan Knife from CRKT - Absolutely a Great Gift Idea

CRKT sent me a knife which I am very happy to let you know about. If you are looking for a special gift for someone on your gift list who enjoys knives, then the Shenanigan is absolutely a great choice!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

"Because My Grandma LOVES Them!"

I live on an acre, out in the country, in Michigan, in the farmhouse my grandparents built back in the 1920's. In my front and side yard are six very large maple trees. In my back yard, behind the double-stall garage is the most enormous maple tree I've ever seen - it reaches far above the roof of the garage and spans beyond the sides of the garage - on both sides! It is absolutely enormous! We also have one very, very tall sycamore tree, three birch trees and several other trees - including about a dozen pine trees.