Sunday, October 8, 2023

crafting with grandma - Bell Candy Cane Ornaments!

My grandsons participated in my church's mid-week Children's Ministry pre-covid when they were younger, and they made ornaments for each of their teachers. One year they made, melting snowmen ornaments - white glitter in a clear glass ornament with a felt triangle for a nose, two tiny black pom-poms for eyes and stick arms - very cute and a lot of fun to make and receive!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Yes! illustrate my own Books ARE for You & the Children You Love

Christmas is just a couple months away, so if you are looking for something fun you could give the children you love as a gift, consider getting some of the books from the illustrate my own series along with crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils. All of them are fun books which will uniquely engage the children you love in ways they have never engaged before with the accounts of Bible heroes. As they (and you) illustrate their books, they will think about what is happening, the things the Bible people said and did, and how God showed His love and grace to the Bible people . . . which will help the children you love better understand how God shows His love and grace to them as well! 

Grandma "Ellies" Matter & So Do We

During Covid my grandsons and I worked on a new book series for children and families to enjoy to help them develop a confident faith as they learn about really interesting animals. (You will find the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series in the bookstore at this link.) In book two in my Life on the Goldilocks Planet series - this one is entitled, Eyelash Vipers, Pygmy Elephants, Pangolins & More! - I wrote about Pygmy Elephants and yes, there are pygmy elephants in Asia and Africa!

Christmas Gift Reivew - Mickey The True Original Collector's Chess Set

Over the years I have reviewed a number of items as gift ideas and with Christmas just two months away, I thought I'd go back and pull a few of my past reviews to recommend again this year. If you are looking for gift ideas, consider this . . .  

All three of my grandsons enjoy playing chess . . . especially when they play against me, because they always win! So, when USAopoly said they would send me one of their new to review, I was very happy to be able to include it in this year's Christmas Gift Review!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is Now Available as a Kindle ebook!

I've been letting you know about how most of my books are now also available in a digital format as Kindle ebooks - today I'm happy to let you know Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is now also available digitally!

We do not know what the future holds. We are not able to see "under the surface" (think ice bergs - we are able to see the part above the water, but not the much larger part under the water.) If we are experiencing challenges in our lives, it is very possible we have to wait to see what God has planned.

Doing this "waiting" is oftentimes extremely difficult, but in all honesty, there is not other option than for us to wait. Yes, we may become discouraged or angry, but choosing instead to trust God and wait is the choice which is best.

crafting with grandma - Snowman Ornaments . . . Clothespin Snowman!


Christmas is just a couple months away, so if you like to involve the children you love in making ornaments, take a look at this fun, simple, and really wonderful snowman ornament! A few years ago my grandsons made this snowman ornament. The only supplies they needed were clothespins, white paint, permanent ink markers, orange felt and scraps of cloth.

The Grand Expedition by Sherry Schumann.

I recently received a new book in the mail which was written by a dear friend and today I am very happy to let you know about it - The Grand Expedition by Sherry Schumann. Sherry is the President of the Christian Grandparenting Network and she has this to say about her book - 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Life on the Goldilocks Planet Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!

From time to time I post about my Life on the Goldilocks Planet books as they make fantastic books for the entire family to enjoy. Today I am very happy to let you know while you are able to get these books as paperback books, the entire series is now also available as Kindle ebooks on Amazon!

Remember - They Are Listening!

A few years ago when my youngest grandson was four, he wanted to know if he would be able to breathe on Venus - if he ever went there. His poppa told him there was no oxygen on Venus, so our grandson said, "I will have to bring a potted tree with me so I will have oxygen to breathe." Then he said, "Well, maybe 100 potted trees so I will have lots of oxygen." Yes, he was four.

It is National Do Something Nice Day!

Daysoftheyear (dot) com says; "Sure, every day is a great day to do something nice! But this day, the practice of kindness is particularly relevant as it’s time for Do Something Nice Day!" I agree, but I also agree a day to focus upon doing nice things for others is a fantastic idea for sure!

On their site (at this link) they tell about some big and small ways people have been kind through the ages - such as - 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Things I Love About the 4N1 - a Unique Mobility Rollator/Chair and the Perfect Gift for You or Someone You Love


Miracle Mobility sent me their unique and award-winning 4N1 to review so I am able to try it out in a variety of settings and let you know all about it. If you or someone you love is experiencing mobility challenges, the 4N1 may be the perfect resource for you/them as it combines a rollator, electric wheelchair, a wheelchair others are able to push someone in, and a power assist chair into one amazing item! Today I will share a few of my observations about it so you are able to consider it for yourself or someone you love - it would make a fantastic gift for sure as it is actually the gift of mobility!

crafting with grandma - Clay Pot Snowman

Christmas is just two months away . . . not very long actually. So, if you like to make gifts for people you love, and like to help your grandchildren do the same, check this idea for clay pot snowmen. It is a fun craft and one you could have your grandchildren make - or smaller ones to give their teachers.

Over the years I've made a number of different types of snowmen to decorate with and give as gifts, but this clay pot snowman is my personal all-time favorite snowman! 

A Recipe for a Grandma

Grandmas have many important things they do - the things which make them who they are. As you live out your life as grandma, focus upon living your love for God on purpose, so your grandchildren see Him in all you do and say. 

October 31st - An Opportunity to Share the Love of Jesus! Don't Waste It!

This post is a repeat - I share it each year in case you did not see it, or want to find it again this year.

Last week I wrote about the "Halloween Dilemma" and how we need to be wise. I wrote about how it gives us the opportunity to have a conversation with our grandchildren about who Jesus is and why the focus on evil and gore at Halloween is not something we want to be part of the things we do this time of year. But, having said this, I do believe Halloween does offer us an unique opportunity to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors and all the children who knock on our doors October 31st.