Friday, October 13, 2023

crafting with grandma - Crocheted Upside-Down Doll!


When I was a child, my family often vacationed in the Smokey Mountains. One year on our trip, I was browsing in a "souvenir" store with my mom and saw an Upside-Down doll. It was something I had not seen before and my mom said I could have one. The doll became one of my favorites; what's not to love about two dolls in one???!!!

Their Example for Peace & Healing

The woman on the right is a friend - she was my middle grandson's kindergarten and first grade teacher - and a fantastic teacher for sure! She is Palestinian. The woman on the left is one of her friends - she is Jewish. They are both heartbroken over what is happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip, but as you can see, they love each other, they care about each other, they cry with each other, they are there to support and encourage each other. They are the example for us all - for peace and for how to heal.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"I Do NOT Like That Song!!!"

I know, it isn't even Halloween or Thanksgiving yet, but Christmas really is only a couple months away, so I am thinking about it. This "thinking about it" has me delighting in the memory of a certain song and the fantastic response of my grandsons to it! 

crafting with grandma . . . Let's Make a Dinosaur Hat!


When my grandsons were younger I made hats for them each year for part of their Christmas gifts. When my oldest grandson was just three, he thought a dinosaur hat would be a good idea . . . and of course he was correct! A dinosaur hat was a wonderful idea!

Join All of Us - Make a Difference

I wrote about this a few months ago, but thought I'd write again, in case you didn't see my other post. Have you heard of the "All of Us" research program from the NIH? Well, it is a fantastic opportunity for "all of us" to make an impact on the future of health care in our country. How, you ask? Please let me share with you some information . . . 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

My New Purse

From time to time I make myself a new purse - since I crochet, I typically find a yarn I like and then crochet the purse. I recently found a "not wool" on amazon. This "yarn" is made from "disused clothing" in Chile by women who were "formerly deprived of liberty". They say they "are the only company in the world which makes recycled textile yarn and other products without the use of water or colorings in the process. This way we reduce our carbon footprint by reducing textile waste."

A Fantastic, Free Apologetics Resource for You


It would be challenging to read my posts and not see I am completely convinced we must teach the ones we love the "whys" - why we are able to believe in God and trust His Word with confidence. So, today I am very happy to write about a fantastic, free resource I found last evening on the Gospel Coalition's website - One-Minute Apologetics videos!

October is National Cookie Month!

When my oldest grandson was just two years old he was playing at his house. His mom wanted him to get ready to come to my house, so she told him they were going for a ride. He continued playing with his toys. So, she told him they were going to  grandma's house. He continued playing with his toys. Then she said, "Grandma has cookies!". She told me he climbed the stairs faster than she ever saw him move in his short life!

My middle grandson once told me when he was four years old, my "super power" was making cookies - I thought it should be super hugs, but he scowled and told me it was "definitely" making cookies!

My grandsons enjoyed cookies when they were younger!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Relief for Grief is Now Available on Kindle ebook!

Last week I wrote about my book, The Relief for Grief - you will find the post at this link. Today I want to let you know this book is now available as a Kindle ebook - you will find it at this link. It continues to be available in print form as well, at this link.

It is National Apple Month!

I live in West Michigan - otherwise known as "Apple Country", so since it is National Apple Month, I thought I'd share a favorite apple recipe, an apple "hint", and some apple fun facts. First, the fun facts - did you know . . . 

It's Time to Think about Christmas - a Nativity Set for Your Grandchildren!

Christmas is just two months away and many of us will start decorating in a month or so. The first year my husband and I were married (forty two years ago), he got me a Precious Moments Nativity Set for Christmas. I love  setting up my Nativity Set each year - we have a bay window in our living room, which is where we put our tree; in previous years we set the Nativity Set in the window as well with the kings traveling across the living room to the Nativity, because I want the focus to be on the Reason for the Season - but we have a cat who is VERY curious, so I am putting it on a shelf in our dining room again this year.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Now Available as Kindle ebooks!

Over the past few months I have shared with you my new books for children - A Family of Her Own for Candy and The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures! - today I am so happy to let you know both books are now available as Kindle ebooks - and are still available in print books as well.

pixipages - a Must-Have app for all Grandparents & Parents!

If you are blessed to have the children you love live near you, then you are likely to enjoy opportunities to read books to them - particularly if they are still young. But, if your grandchildren live far, this is a joy you and they are not often able to enjoy. Today I am very happy to let you know about a fantastic resource you are able to use to "read" to them.

grandma's chuckles - Hugs - They are Good for You!

My grandsons are at my house often, but today I'm remembering a time eight years ago when they were seven, four, and two years old. They were here - they had spent the night and as we were getting ready for bed, I hugged the two younger ones and then asked my oldest grandson if he wanted a hug, too. He did, so of course, I happily hugged him.