Monday, October 16, 2023

Feed-back on the Centuro Mini

In the past four months I have posted a couple times about the Centuro Mini from Bischoff & Bischoff (one of Europe's largest manufacturers of rollators and mobility scooters.) I wrote how I was impressed with the design, quality, and attention to detail in the Centuro Mini. Today I want to write again, but this time about the response I am getting from people when I go out and about with the Centuro Mini.

The Ten Commands From God's Own Hands

I'm so glad the internet makes it possible for us to add books to our  bookshelf or give as gifts which are no longer available in books stores! A book I absolutely love is The Ten Commands From God's Own Hands by Phil A. Smouse! This book takes the Ten Commandments, matches each commandment with a Bible adventure to illustrate a specific command and teach it's meaning, so kids will remember and learn! The "sub-title" is, "Ten wiggly, giggly Bible stories that teach God's Ten Commandments" - these ten accounts are -

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tell the "Whys" - God Makes Sense

I love the Okapi - it is one of the most unique animals God created. It looks from the backside like a strange Zebra, but is actually more closely related to the Giraffe. It does have a longish neck and a prehensile tongue, like the Giraffe, but it is a totally unique creature all its own.

Mystery Bag - Sometimes Handing Down Confident Faith is Simple - & Fun


When it comes to handing down confident faith to my grandsons, I of course talk with them about why they are able to know God is real and trust His Word with confidence. I help them learn to talk with God and model what it looks like to love, know and walk with God. All important, essential parts of handing down confident faith. But, there are also times where I plan something simple and fun to help them learn to show their faith by showing love and appreciation to others.

just for fun - No-Bake Berry Pie!

What is your favorite pie? Around my house Chocolate, Peanut-butter Pie is the family favorite, but another long-time favorite is Cherry Cream Cheese Pie, so I thought I'd share a simple recipe with you which you may top with any berry you like - cherry, blue berry, raspberry, strawberry - whatever you like. Yes, I know, the berry pie we typically think of is a baked, traditional pie, but in case you have a craving for a berry pie, but are looking for something just a bit less traditional, check this recipe . . . 

CLUE: Scooby-Doo! Board Game


As I wrote yesterday, when I was a child we always received board games for Christmas. After we all opened our games we spent a good portion of the rest of the day around the table playing the new games. I remember one year I received "Go for Broke" (the opposite of Monopoly) and my sister received "Careers" (which I thought was SO much fun!) Of course we also had games which were the "family's games", such as Life, Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue. I especially loved Clue, so today I am so happy to share with you about a "new" take on the old classic game of Clue - and recommend it as a fun buy for upcoming summer family fun.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

There is No One Alive Who is "Youer" Than You


Several years ago on my other blog, I shared a Dr. Seuss Quote each day throughout the month of March - since Dr. Seuss' birthday is in March. He had some really excellent quotes for sure. Today I am sharing one - "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." 

crafting with grandma . . . a Cute Giraffe to Crochet!

I know Christmas is a couple months away, but if you would like to get a head-start on gifts for some of the sweet people in your life . . . or for a birthday or "just because", I have an adorable pattern for a cute giraffe you can crochet! You will find it a this link and I am delighted to share it with you!

Nefarious, the Mad Scientist Game

When I was a child there were a couple things we could always know we would receive for Christmas . . . books, clothes, and at least one board game. Yes, this was "pre-electronic games", but board games were always something we received for Christmas . . . at least for those years we were in elementary school.  Board games were a good way to get us playing together as a family . . . they still are today; even with the popularity of electronic games.

Today is National Dessert Day!

Most children will say their favorite part of any meal is dessert (and maybe many adults, too?)! Well, today is the day to enjoy this "favorite part" as it is National Dessert Day! Before we look at ways to celebrate (and of course they are obvious - and tasty), let's look at a few fun dessert facts from nationaltoday(dot)com - did you know . . .

Friday, October 13, 2023

It is National M&M's Day!

What is your favorite type of M&M's? I personally LOVE their peanut butter M&M's, but also did like their almond M&M's, too! Well, whichever is your favorite, today is the day to enjoy it as it is National M&M's Day! Days of the year (dot) com says, "Invented in 1941, these tiny little bits of candy coated chocolate have made a huge impact on American history throughout their more than 80 years of life!" Let's look at some more fun facts about these tasty candies - did you know . . . 

crafting with grandma - Crocheted Upside-Down Doll!


When I was a child, my family often vacationed in the Smokey Mountains. One year on our trip, I was browsing in a "souvenir" store with my mom and saw an Upside-Down doll. It was something I had not seen before and my mom said I could have one. The doll became one of my favorites; what's not to love about two dolls in one???!!!

Their Example for Peace & Healing

The woman on the right is a friend - she was my middle grandson's kindergarten and first grade teacher - and a fantastic teacher for sure! She is Palestinian. The woman on the left is one of her friends - she is Jewish. They are both heartbroken over what is happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip, but as you can see, they love each other, they care about each other, they cry with each other, they are there to support and encourage each other. They are the example for us all - for peace and for how to heal.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"I Do NOT Like That Song!!!"

I know, it isn't even Halloween or Thanksgiving yet, but Christmas really is only a couple months away, so I am thinking about it. This "thinking about it" has me delighting in the memory of a certain song and the fantastic response of my grandsons to it!