Monday, October 23, 2023

Make Anytime Funtime with The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!


If you have young children in your life, then you know how important it is to read books to them - it sets them up for a lifetime of learning - and it is just fantastic to snuggle together and read a book together at bedtime - or anytime! I read many books to my children and most recently to my grandsons when they were little, and we enjoyed making up our own stories, too!

Those Little Everyday Blessings

As grandparents we know how important it is to be intentional when it comes to blessing our grandchildren. Perhaps, like me, you have been looking for a Scripture passage which you will be able to use to bless your grandchildren on a regular basis. This is an important thing for us to do.

Today is International Snow Leopard Day!

Leopards are a very cool big cat with their spots and great strength, but the Snow Leopard is actually not a leopard - it is more closely related to tigers when you look at their genes. Surprised to read this? I was! So, since today is International Snow Leopard Day, let's take a look at more info about these amazing animals - did you know . . . 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

He is Darth Vader. I can NOT hug him!

Don't you just love it when your grandchildren show their imagination? Well, seven years ago when my youngest grandson was three, he looked at his Poppa and said; "I'm Kenobi, Kenobi." Then ran at him to attack! Apparently Kenobi, Kenobi (Obi Wan Kenobi) decided Poppa was Darth Vadar and had to attack him! Kenobi, Kenobi did very well - defeated Darth Vadar. I asked him if Poppa might be tired (after about 20 minutes of running full bore at poppa, arms - light sabers - flailing) and maybe he was in need of a hug. To which he said (rather indignantly) "He is NOT Poppa. He is Darth Vadar. I can NOT hug him!" Of course he can not! 😃

Operation Frog Effect

I was invited several years ago to review a book for children - Operation Frog Effect which I want to share with you again today. It arrived and was sitting on my sofa when my grandsons came over. My oldest grandson who was then ten years old saw it and started reading it, so today, in my review, I'm very happy to share with you his opinion of  Operation Frog Effect as well.

Today is Wombat Day!

Living in the forests and mountain regions of southeastern Australia and Tasmania is an endangered animal which likes to dig tunnels. It is known as the Wombat and today is the day to celebrate it, so let's learn some fun facts about this unique animal. Did you know . . . 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Fun Facts & a Recipe for National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

A few years ago my son and family gave me an instant pot for Christmas. Since it didn't explode the first time I used it (I was afraid it would) I have since found I love cooking with it and have even used it to make cheesecake! Now, I personally do not enjoy cheesecake, but most of my family loves it, so from time to time I make one - since it is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, it seems like it may be the day to do so!

Before I share a recipe for Instant Pot Pumpkin Cheesecake, I thought it would be fun to share some fun pumpkin facts. Did you know - 


I am blessed to have my three grandsons at my house for a sleepover nearly every weekend. They have come all their lives and now the oldest one is 15 I know how very blessed I am because he and his younger brothers still want to come over each weekend! When they are here my oldest usually asks for popcorn - in such a polite way! I of course am very happy to make it for him - and his brothers. I am writing today about the popcorn popper I love to use because I highly recommend it.

grandma's chuckles - "You Have to Be Brave to Be a Super-Hero"

When my oldest, sweet grandson was four years old he was really into Super Heroes! He LOVED the VeggieTales movie, The League of Incredible Vegetables  and he LOVED his Super Cape. He often "flied" around my house singing, "♫♥♪ Super me is here ♫♥♪ to save the day! ♫♥♪" When he was just four he told me he just pretends to be a Super Hero, but when he grew up he would be a Super Hero for real! Did I mention he had a "super" imagination? (Still does!)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Hand Down Confident Faith & Connect with the Children You Love

If you have been reading grandma's cookie jar for very long, you know passing on a heritage of confident faith to my grandsons is something I care very, very much about. I want my grandsons to grow to be boys, then teens, and one day young men who love, know, and walk with God, faithfully, with all their heart.

UNO Dare & Leave Them Laughing

A couple years ago my husband, myself, and our grandsons were introduced to a "new" game; UNO Dare. The "Uno" part of it was not new, but the "Dare" part was . . . and is absolutely a lot of fun!

You play the game the same way as Uno, except when you are given a "draw" card, you are able to choose to instead do a "dare". These dares are so much fun . . . do the chicken dance, talk like a pirate, walk like a robot, hold absolutely still until your next turn, say "hip-pity hop" at the end of every sentence until your next turn, etc. The dares leave you - and everyone with whom you are playing - laughing, a lot, and puts so much additional fun into the game of Uno.

It is International Sloth Day!

Facts(dot)net tells us, "The slowest animal on the planet is native in Latin America  rainforests where they spend their days sleeping and hanging upside down on trees. But there is so much more to discover about sloths than just being couch potato gods in the modern world. Get ready to see these sloth facts you most probably did not know . . ."

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Fun Science Project

My grandsons love science projects . . . one reason I included science projects in my curriculum - Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith! They are such engaging, "hands-on" and memorable ways to help my grandsons learn important things. So, I am always on the watch for new projects which I can try with my grandsons.

grandma's chuckles . . . Poppa is Great, but the Pilot is Necessary!

Twelve years ago friends from my church hosted an event for our Sunday school class which included airplane rides. I ended up staying home with our younger grandson - we forgot to get his car seat, but my husband was able to go for awhile with our older grandson. Being three, years old he wanted his poppa to go up in the airplane with him. While the pilot was getting ready to start the plane he was joking around by saying he wasn't a pilot, but he was sure he could figure out how to fly the plane. My grandson gave this some thought then said, "Poppa, maybe it would be a good idea if you get out of the plane, so the pilot can get in your spot!" (He didn't ask to get out himself - just thought a pilot would be a good idea). Of course his poppa told him our friend was really a pilot and was just joking around, so then our grandson was ready to fly!