Friday, October 27, 2023

What Do Your Grands Call You?

What do your grandchildren call you? Are you, Grandma, Nana, Memaw, or something entirely unique? A friend told me his grandchildren called their grandma, "G-Money" - they didn't know why, and a reader once told me when her grandchildren were little they called her, "Dave" - again, no one knew why! When my grandsons were little they called me, “Ga” - I loved being “Ga”! Now they call me, Grandma or Grandmother and I love them, too!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Try Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the ones we love; at all times, but especially now with the wars in Ukraine and Israel, and the uncertainties of day-to-day life in 2023. Our grandchildren (and/or young children) may especially feel fear as they see and hear about the things going on in this world.

50 Feet in 45 Seconds!

My middle grandson (12 years old) loves to ride his bike in races in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, bowl, play in chess tournaments, learn more in his jiu-jitsu, and he LOVES to climb. Two years ago when he was only 10, he climbed this 50 foot tower at Boy Scout camp in 45 seconds - yes, 45 seconds! I don't know how it is even possible to move this fast in a climb, but he did - he is the little figure in the photo at the top of the tower.

Live an Extraordinary Life & Impact Those Who Come Behind You

What does it mean to "live an extraordinary life"? Does this mean you have to do "big" things and be known by many? Does what we say and do matter to the generations which come behind us? A few years ago I learned some interesting and wonderful things about my great grandpa Badgerow. He was orphaned the day before his 11th birthday, raised by his sisters, finished the 8th grade and became a small business man - had a grocery store/gas station in the town in which he lived. When the banks were seized by the state of Michigan and ended up taking half of depositor's money in the '30's, he could have lost heart and quit in despair, but he didn't. He extended credit to families and let them get food from his store when they didn't have the money to pay for the food. Years later when he died (at 96 years old) a man came to his funeral and said my great grandpa saved his family's lives by giving them food when they needed it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Family of Her Own for Candy

The summer of 2022 my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

Eden's Garden Essential Oils

I tend to be a fairly skeptical person when it comes to things like essential oils, but a friend once shared how essential oils made a huge difference in the life of their son with serious medical issues. Since I have MS and asthma, I thought I'd look on-line to see if essential oils might be helpful. Today I'm delighted to share with you how oils may be used by you and the ones you love as well . . . and please know, the company I'm recommending is not a multi-level marketing company.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Get Your Copy of The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!

I have been writing about my picture book for children - The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures! and today want to let you know about the second story in this book - The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys & Their Not-So-Peculiar, Scary, or Terrifying Discovery! 

"Don't be afraid grandma. Just think of dogs and us instead."

One thing we always do with the children we love from the time they are born is comfort them, encourage them, show love and kindness to them. As they grow up we are able to see how they took this comfort, encouragement, love, and kindness they received and incorporate it into the way they respond to others. Today I want to share with you one of the times I was able to see and experience this with my grandsons.

Gift Ideas from USAopoly

Christmas is just two months and one day away, so if you are thinking about getting the children you love something special consider these fun games from USAopoly!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Make Anytime Funtime with The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boy's Adventures!


If you have young children in your life, then you know how important it is to read books to them - it sets them up for a lifetime of learning - and it is just fantastic to snuggle together and read a book together at bedtime - or anytime! I read many books to my children and most recently to my grandsons when they were little, and we enjoyed making up our own stories, too!

Those Little Everyday Blessings

As grandparents we know how important it is to be intentional when it comes to blessing our grandchildren. Perhaps, like me, you have been looking for a Scripture passage which you will be able to use to bless your grandchildren on a regular basis. This is an important thing for us to do.

Today is International Snow Leopard Day!

Leopards are a very cool big cat with their spots and great strength, but the Snow Leopard is actually not a leopard - it is more closely related to tigers when you look at their genes. Surprised to read this? I was! So, since today is International Snow Leopard Day, let's take a look at more info about these amazing animals - did you know . . . 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

He is Darth Vader. I can NOT hug him!

Don't you just love it when your grandchildren show their imagination? Well, seven years ago when my youngest grandson was three, he looked at his Poppa and said; "I'm Kenobi, Kenobi." Then ran at him to attack! Apparently Kenobi, Kenobi (Obi Wan Kenobi) decided Poppa was Darth Vadar and had to attack him! Kenobi, Kenobi did very well - defeated Darth Vadar. I asked him if Poppa might be tired (after about 20 minutes of running full bore at poppa, arms - light sabers - flailing) and maybe he was in need of a hug. To which he said (rather indignantly) "He is NOT Poppa. He is Darth Vadar. I can NOT hug him!" Of course he can not! 😃

Operation Frog Effect

I was invited several years ago to review a book for children - Operation Frog Effect which I want to share with you again today. It arrived and was sitting on my sofa when my grandsons came over. My oldest grandson who was then ten years old saw it and started reading it, so today, in my review, I'm very happy to share with you his opinion of  Operation Frog Effect as well.