Thursday, November 2, 2023

Give Confident Faith & Family Fun with Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More!

I know, we have not yet celebrated Thanksgiving, but have you started thinking about Christmas gifts for the children you love? If so, or even if you have not really made any decisions yet, how would you would like to give a gift which combines science projects, art projects, cooking activities, and games with fun facts, colorful photos about animals - many of which you have never heard of before, and quotes from scientists - this is a gift which will engage the entire family in fun and learning together AND, most importantly, hand down a confident faith! Take a look at the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series of books.

November is Manatee Awareness Month

Swimming in just a few places in our world is a unique and recognizable  mammal - the Manatee.  They are able to live 50 or 60 years and while they are known as "seacows", they are most closely related to elephants and hyraxes. Let's take a look at a few more fun facts about these wonderful animals and then some ways to celebrate them this month . . . 

Did you know -

Things I Love About the 4N1 - a Unique Mobility Rollator/Chair and the Perfect Christmas Gift for You or Someone You Love


Miracle Mobility sent me their unique and award-winning 4N1 to review so I am able to try it out in a variety of settings and let you know all about it. If you or someone you love is experiencing mobility challenges, the 4N1 may be the perfect resource for you/them as it combines a rollator, electric wheelchair, a wheelchair others are able to push someone in, and a power assist chair into one amazing item! Today I will share a few of my observations about it so you are able to consider it for yourself or someone you love - it would make a fantastic Christmas gift for sure as it is actually the gift of mobility!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

This Christmas Impact & Inspire with the "Life on the Goldilocks Planet" Curriculum & Book Series

Christmas 2023 is just under two months away and is one of the special times of the year when we grandmas (and grandpas/parents, too) have an opportunity to impact and inspire the ones we love. Today I am sharing some excellent reasons for you to give the gift of confident faith with the "Life on the Goldilocks Planet" curriculum/ book series to children, parents, and grandparents on your gift list this year . . .

November is National Children's Month

When I first saw where November is National Children's Month my first thought was "Hooray! Another 'excuse' to celebrate my dear grandsons!" However; this is a month to draw attention to children in need by Standing up for the rights of children and making sure their needs are met. Daysoftheyear (dot)com says; "National Children’s Month offers a special opportunity to show appreciation for, celebrate, and meet the needs of children, especially those who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. Whether advocating for the government, helping out with a children’s charity or volunteering locally, there are plenty of opportunities for making a difference on this day and all throughout the year!"

It is Peanut Butter Lovers' Month


I love peanut butter and think every month is a month to celebrate the tasty treat, but since November is apparently peanut butter lovers' month, it is a great time to share a simple way to turn a favorite recipe into an even better recipe . . . peanut butter toll house cookies!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Christmas Resources Which Make a Difference - the Single Parent Confident & Successful


Today I am happy to recommend a book written by a dear friend for you to consider adding to your own intentional grandparenting resource "tool kit" and for you to give as a gift for Christmas to the ones you love. Today's book, the single parent: confident and successful is written by Linda Ranson Jacobs and while it was specifically written for single parents/grandparents, it is filled with wisdom about handing down confident faith making the single parent: confident and successful a great gift for any and all parents and grandparents - single or not.

Give the Best Christmas Gift - the Alevo Alu


Christmas is less than two months away and many of us are thinking about the gifts we want to give to the ones we love. If you have someone on your list who due to health issues or age need a bit of help to get out and about with security and stability, then the Alevo Alu Rollator is the perfect gift to give them this Christmas!

Hand Down Confident Faith - Remember & Be Thankful

I enjoy it very much when my grandsons go on vacation with their parents - the photos from their week exploring new places bring such happiness to my heart! I love being able to see their faces reflect their joy at accomplishing a physical feat (such as climbing to the top of an almost-mountain in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and being able to see all the way to Lake Superior), or exploring in amazing caves in Ohio, or kayaking, or whatever it is they did wherever it is they went. I know the memories they have of these trips will bring them joy as well.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Christmas Resources Which Make a Difference - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren


Christmas is less than two months away, so today I am very happy to share with you a book which makes an excellent addition to your intentional grandparenting "tool box" as well as a great Christmas gift for the parents, grandparents and church leaders you know. Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren is written by me, Lynda Freeman.

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

My grandsons enjoy cookies, but one of their favorites is chocolate chip, peanut  butter cookies. When they were younger it was not unusual for them to go straight to the cookie jar when they arrived at my house - which was typically followed with very happy smiles on their faces!

Leave a Legacy

Legacy. If we think about it, we are all likely to want to leave a positive and lasting legacy to the generations who come behind us. We likely want our legacy to be one upon which future generations are able to look back and see a life lived in a way which made a difference. A legacy of confident faith, which was faithfully handed from our generation to the following generations.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Please Help Shane Reach His Goal - Thank You!

I am a grandma and I have three grandsons. My youngest grandson is in Cub Scouts and is selling popcorn. He is just $62.00 from his goal of selling $2000.00 of popcorn this year - might you be willing to help him? He says if you do, you will be helping him, and getting a tasty treat for yourself - a wonderful thing for everyone!

Created "Just Right"! - Now Available for Children Ages Three to Seven!

 During COVID my grandsons and I put together twelve books  -the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series - which help us see how animals show us God is real because He made everything "just right". In these books (which I have shared with you before), you find full-color photos, fun facts, along with crafts, science projects, and recipes for the entire family to enjoy as they learn about the animals and discover how they help them have a confident faith. These books (The Life on the Goldilocks Planet series) are ideal for children ages four through fourteen - and the entire family.