Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More! - THE Book to Give the Children You Love this Christmas!


If you are a parent/ grandparent who typically gives books to the children you love at Christmas, then Life on the Goldilocks Planet  book along with the supplies for all the fun is a terrific gift which will bring joy to the family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them!

Inspire Cartwheels in Their Hearts

When my middle grandson was almost-seven-years-old (five years ago) he learned to do cartwheels - he had such joy when he was "cartwheeling" across the yard! Joy, absolute joy! 

So, when I read this quote from Mr. Rogers about inspiring cartwheels in my grandson's hearts, I have a very definite picture of what this looks like!

Our Own Blueberry Bread Day

While it technically  was not Blueberry Bread Day, at my house it was this past Sunday. Now, I have to say, I do not know when Blueberry Bread Day actually is celebrated - Blueberry Muffin Day is July 11th each year and Blueberry Pie Day is April 28th, but I have not been able to find an actual Blueberry Bread Day. I do not know why, as it is a delicious type of bread - particularly if you add lemon juice or orange juice to your bread batter, but at any rate, my youngest grandson thought Blueberry Bread sounded good for Sunday, so I made it. Actually I made three loaves - one for them to enjoy Sunday morning (and the other half of this loaf we gave to their great grandma), one loaf for them to take home, and one gluten-free loaf for their Aunt. Yes, my home smelled like Blueberry Bread - a fantastic side benefit for sure!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Megabats, Bengal Tigers, Quetzals & More! - The Perfect Christmas Gift for the Children You Love!

Are you starting to choose Christmas gifts for the children you love? Well, then definitely consider giving a Life on the Goldilocks Planet book along with the supplies for all the fun as if you do, you will have a terrific gift for the entire family! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy craft projects, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy cooking activities, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy games then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them! 

Fun Craft for Little Ones

I'm always looking for crafts younger children are able to make . . . I am delighted to share with you a really simple and fun craft for a place mat using Duck Tape, plastic zippy bags and your own designs, photos or treasures!

grandma's chuckles - Apparently, I'm "Elderly", We Have a Reader & a Huge Hug!!!

I originally posted this ten and a half years ago, but when I saw it today it made me smile, so I thought I'd share it with you again today!

It has been a fun weekend around this grandma's house! The boys came home with Poppa on Thursday to spend the night and hang out with grandma on Friday - my favorite day each week!!!  Thursday night we watched  Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension. In the movie Perry bites Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Phineas says, "No, Perry! We don't bite the elderly!!!" My oldest grandson (four and a half years old) asked me, "What is 'the elderly'?" I told him elderly means "old people", so he thought for a moment and said, "Oh. Like great-grandma and you?" I didn't really want to agree it meant "me", so I asked him, "Hhmmm. What about Poppa?" to which he replied, "Yes, definitely Poppa!!!" Of course I had to smile at his answer!!! :-) I was also very pleased when he showed consideration by offering to re-start the movie when his Aunt joined us part-way through and he learned she had not watched this movie before.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Red-Lipped Batfish, Giant Purple Squirrels, Kakapos & More! - the Perfect Christmas Gift for the Children You Love!


Choosing Christmas gifts can be challenging as one grandchild/child might like something another is not at all interested in. But, when you give the gift of a Life on the Goldilocks Planet book along with the supplies for all the fun - you are able to give a terrific gift for the entire family! If you have children you love who enjoy science projects, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy craft projects, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy cooking activities, then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy games then this is the gift for them! If you have children you love who enjoy learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them! 

He Drives Like a Mad-Man

One of my favorite things about facebook is the "Memories" feature where it shows me things I posted each day one, two, or more years earlier. It is a wonderful way to remember those special times with family and friends.

Well, today's post is one I'm sharing which I originally wrote ten years ago, but when I saw it today, it made me laugh as I remembered my then two year old grandson and how he used to "drive" the dump truck like a "mad-man"! Enjoy . . . 

Do NOT Open This Book!

I have reviewed this book before, but as I think about books to recommend as Christmas gifts, this one is definitely one I happily recommend! It was sent a few years ago for review from Scholastic - and today I am very happy to let you know about, Do NOT Open This Book!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Give the Gift of Science Projects, Art Projects, Cooking Activities, and Games with Civets, Tree Kangaroos, Batoids & More!

I have been writing about giving a fantastic gift this Christmas to the children you love which will combine science projects, craft projects, cooking activities, and games with learning about amazing animals, quotes from scientists, and handing down confident faith by giving a Life on the Goldilocks Planet book along with the supplies for all the fun - a terrific gift for the entire family! 

Today I want to let you know about another book in this series - Civets, Tree Kangaroos, Batoids & More! - in this book you will find the following animals - Civets, Arctic Foxes, Echidnas, Blue-Footed Booby Birds, Tree Kangaroos, Leafy Sea Dragons, Pronghorns, Giraffes, Snow Leopards, Peacock Spiders, Ladybug Mimic Spiders, Orange Tortoise Spiders, Shoebills, and Batoids - which of these have you never heard of before?

grandma's Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest - Peppermint Brownies by Anne

A few years ago I held a Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest and today I'm very happy to share one of the recipes with you - Peppermint Brownies by Anne Pickering! Anne says these are a favorite at her house . . . I can see why they would be! Thank you Anne for sharing these with us!

Trust & An Old, Dry Brown Leaf

I originally wrote this post seven years ago, but thought you would enjoy seeing it today. 

What is trust? Well, dictionary.com defines it as a; "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something" I want my grandchildren to know they are dearly loved by me and they are absolutely able to trust me. So, what does love and trust look like to these three sweet rascally boys? Well, at times it looks like twinkly blue eyes, a big smile and an old, dry brown leaf. Let me explain.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Give the Gift of Science Projects, Art Projects, Cooking Activities, and Games with Eyelash Vipers, Pygmy Elephants, Pangolins, & More!


Yesterday I wrote about giving a fantastic gift this Christmas to the children you love which will combine science projects, craft projects, cooking activities, and games with learning about amazing animals, quotes from scientists, and handing down confident faith by giving a Life on the Goldilocks Planet book along with the supplies for all the fun - a terrific gift for the entire family! I wrote about the book - Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More!

My Stew Recipe for Cold Fall and Winter Evenings

I live in West Michigan. Not far from my home (about 30 miles) they received nine inches of snow on October 31st! We received a dusting of snow, but it has been chilly out for sure! So, of course, it is the perfect time to bring out my InstantPot and make a tasty stew - and I am happy to share my recipe with you - gather the ingredients and get ready for a very tasty stew for sure!

You will need . . .