Today, November 8th, I'm thankful, so very thankful for all the time I get to spend with my grandsons! Pretty much every Friday or Saturday I am blessed to have them spend the night - I look forward to seeing them for our sleepovers! These three, sweet boys are such gifts from the hand of God and I am ever so thankful I get to spend so much time with them! (This is a photo from several years ago.)
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
It's November - I'm Ever So Thankful I Get to Spend So Much Time With My Grandsons!
Christmas Review & Giveaway - RISK®: Star Trek™ 50th Anniversary Edition
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Inspire Cartwheels in Their Hearts
So, when I read this quote from Mr. Rogers about inspiring cartwheels in my grandson's hearts, I have a very definite picture of what this looks like!
Our Own Blueberry Bread Day
Monday, November 6, 2023
Fun Craft for Little Ones
grandma's chuckles - Apparently, I'm "Elderly", We Have a Reader & a Huge Hug!!!
I originally posted this ten and a half years ago, but when I saw it today it made me smile, so I thought I'd share it with you again today!
It has been a fun weekend around this grandma's house! The boys came home with Poppa on Thursday to spend the night and hang out with grandma on Friday - my favorite day each week!!! Thursday night we watched Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension. In the movie Perry bites Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Phineas says, "No, Perry! We don't bite the elderly!!!" My oldest grandson (four and a half years old) asked me, "What is 'the elderly'?" I told him elderly means "old people", so he thought for a moment and said, "Oh. Like great-grandma and you?" I didn't really want to agree it meant "me", so I asked him, "Hhmmm. What about Poppa?" to which he replied, "Yes, definitely Poppa!!!" Of course I had to smile at his answer!!! :-) I was also very pleased when he showed consideration by offering to re-start the movie when his Aunt joined us part-way through and he learned she had not watched this movie before.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
He Drives Like a Mad-Man
One of my favorite things about facebook is the "Memories" feature where it shows me things I posted each day one, two, or more years earlier. It is a wonderful way to remember those special times with family and friends.
Do NOT Open This Book!
I have reviewed this book before, but as I think about books to recommend as Christmas gifts, this one is definitely one I happily recommend! It was sent a few years ago for review from Scholastic - and today I am very happy to let you know about, Do NOT Open This Book!
Saturday, November 4, 2023
grandma's Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest - Peppermint Brownies by Anne
A few years ago I held a Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest and today I'm very happy to share one of the recipes with you - Peppermint Brownies by Anne Pickering! Anne says these are a favorite at her house . . . I can see why they would be! Thank you Anne for sharing these with us!
Trust & An Old, Dry Brown Leaf
Friday, November 3, 2023
My Stew Recipe for Cold Fall and Winter Evenings
I live in West Michigan. Not far from my home (about 30 miles) they received nine inches of snow on October 31st! We received a dusting of snow, but it has been chilly out for sure! So, of course, it is the perfect time to bring out my InstantPot and make a tasty stew - and I am happy to share my recipe with you - gather the ingredients and get ready for a very tasty stew for sure!
You will need . . .
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Things I Love About the 4N1 - a Unique Mobility Rollator/Chair and the Perfect Christmas Gift for You or Someone You Love
Miracle Mobility sent me their unique and award-winning 4N1 to review so I am able to try it out in a variety of settings and let you know all about it. If you or someone you love is experiencing mobility challenges, the 4N1 may be the perfect resource for you/them as it combines a rollator, electric wheelchair, a wheelchair others are able to push someone in, and a power assist chair into one amazing item! Today I will share a few of my observations about it so you are able to consider it for yourself or someone you love - it would make a fantastic Christmas gift for sure as it is actually the gift of mobility!
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
November is National Children's Month
It is Peanut Butter Lovers' Month
I love peanut butter and think every month is a month to celebrate the tasty treat, but since November is apparently peanut butter lovers' month, it is a great time to share a simple way to turn a favorite recipe into an even better recipe . . . peanut butter toll house cookies!