I have long been a big "fan" of picture books. If you are able to combine a fun story with colorful illustrations, well, I am likely to like the book. I do not believe it is ever truly possible to outgrow an excellent picture book - just because the book was written for children ages three to five, it does not mean a grandma will not also enjoy the book. In fact, I am fully convinced all picture books should include "grandmas" when it lists the ages for whom the book is written!
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Christmas Gift Idea - If You're Groovy and You Know It, Hug a Friend
Encourage Your Grandchildren to Not Give Up!
Handing down the faith means telling our grandchildren the truth - God loves them, He is always with them, He hears, listens to and answers their prayers, and they can know and walk with Him. But it also means telling them there are difficult times in this life. Times when they may not understand what is happening. But, God is with them in those times and they are able to hold fast to Him and complete the path before them. In happy and difficult times, they are able to keep their eyes on Jesus and not give up!
Monday, November 13, 2023
The 4N1 - Great for Your Own Use & a Fantastic Grandparents Day Gift for Someone You Love!
I have been writing about receiving the Miracle Mobility 4N1 rollator/electric wheelchair and today I am happy to let you know about my experience using it. I went to a local garden/ sculpture park (Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park) and spent several hours driving it inside the building and outside in the garden and sculpture park - the following is what I think of the 4N1 -
Today is World Kindness Day!
Tasters Welcome!
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Be a Babushka for Your Grandchildren
I recently read in my Grandmother's Bible
a devotion by Joni Eareckson Tada. In it she said, "When Ken and I were in Russia . . . we met many Russian 'babushkas'. The praying grandmothers . . . the stalwart saints of whom Stalin had cruelly said, 'If we can get rid of these old women, we will have the youth in our grasp.' Stalin failed. And thank God for praying grandmothers who served as a link, spanning a generation lost to atheism and connecting a new generation of young people who are asking open, honest questions about Jesus." Then the prayer for the day, "Father of all ages, as gray hairs abound, may righteousness abound. May I never resent the encroaching years, but view them as an opportunity to deepen my life of praise and intercession."
Great Christmas Gift - Nanea - American Girl Doll
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Today is World Origami Day!
Cozy Christmas Gift - Shutterfly Fleece Photo Blanket
A few years ago I had the opportunity to review something warm and wonderful from Shutterfly - their fleece blanket! Just being a fleece blanket - since I live in the chilly state of Michigan (it is 30 outside right now), is enough reason to think of it as, "warm and wonderful", but since it is from Shutterfly, this means there is at least one photo on it of people I love . . . and in this case, there are 6 photos on it! Yes, it absolutely is wonderful and makes a fantastic gift, so I thought I'd share it with you again today!
Friday, November 10, 2023
Things Which Fill My Heart With Joy!
There are things which bring a smile to my face and which fill my heart with joy . . . things which I experience because I am, “grandma”. For example, when my grandsons were younger and ran into my home with big smiles on their faces – I also had a big smile on my face; and joy in my heart! Now they are older and they still tend to have smiles on their faces when they come to my house - I most certainly do as well!
Celestron FirstScope Telescope - A Fantastic Christmas Gift
My grandsons are into science. They love science projects, they love to talk about sciency things, they enjoy watching science shows; basically they are extremely interested in all things science.
Celestron sent me their FirstScope Telescope - a perfect first telescope - to try with my grandsons and then let you know all about it.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
I love basset hounds. I love everything about how they look - what's not to love with those long, beautiful ears, saggy, baggy skin, deep, mournful eyes, gentle, loving personality, and the most melodic of howls!!! Yes, I love basset hounds.
Shark Hats!
I - and my grandsons - live where it is cold in the winter (typically) as we live in Michigan. So, when they were little, I crocheted hats for them each winter - I wanted to keep their sweet little heads warm! But, I always made "fun" hats - if you have to wear a hat, it might as well be fun, unique, a "stand out" hat! One year I crocheted shark hats for each of them!
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
grandma's chuckles - Grandma & the Quaker Oats Man, Coffee & Finding Our "Cookie Monster"!
"grandma's chuckles" are the things which make me chuckle . . . you know, the things your children and grandchildren say and do which bring a smile to your face and make your heart happy! These are the things I don't want to forget, so I'm writing them down and sharing them with you . . . I hope they bring a smile to your face, make your heart happy, and cause you to chuckle, too . . . whether you are a grandma or not! :^) Enjoy!