Tuesday, November 21, 2023

grandma's chuckles - He Was a Problem Solver!

Today I am remembering how a few years ago I spent the day with my grandsons. Wednesdays - otherwise known as; "the Day-with-the-Sweet-Boys", was a day I looked forward to each week! 

Race through Space - a Mission to the Moon! - a Fun Christmas Gift

When I was a child I always received board games for Christmas. If you are a grandparent - or parent - who also gives board games to the children you love, then this game from Ravensburger is one you certainly want to check out!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures - "A Wonderful Resource for All of us Grandparents/Parents”

One of the most powerful things we are able to do for the ones we love is to pray for them. Some of us are seasoned prayer warriors, but some of us struggle with praying - what do we pray? How do we pray? Whether you - or someone on your gift list - is a seasoned prayer warrior or someone who struggles with prayer,   Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is a book which will be used every day to guide whoever uses it through praying Scriptures for their own walk with God and for the walks of those they love.

grandma's chuckles . . . I'm doing, "A Really Good Job of Being Grandma!"

Several years ago when my grandsons spent a few days and nights at our house, we had fun hanging out, baking cookies, doing science projects, reading books, making up new stories, playing games and just being together!

crafting with grandma - Christmas Heart Ornaments!

Christmas is just around the corner and as I was browsing   Pinterest I found an idea for a sweet smelling ornament which would make a fun project for you to make with your grandchildren! It just uses applesauce and cinnamon - the reason it is sweet smelling - and a little time to make dozens of heart ornaments! Just think of all the wonderful things you could do with these little hearts . . . 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Be Thankful - Beware of the Thankfulness Thieves

Yes, I know Thanksgiving is just a few days away and so of course we tend to think  about being thankful this time of year, but being thankful is more than just something we think about in November; it should characterize our lives every day! In I Thessalonians 5 we read:

"16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

These verses are talking about a heart attitude; not just a focus for November each year. So, what are those attitudes which damage or diminish this heart attitude in us; and in our grandchildren? Consider the following . . . 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

grandma's chuckles - I Still Have My Grandma Super Power

Today I am remembering how one day when my grandsons were younger and they were at my house I made cookies for them -  they decided my "grandma super power" was making cookies! They decided I have this "grandma super power" and if they had to choose between a grandma with the super power of running fast or making cookies, they would definitely choose making cookies! Plus, my youngest grandson said he wished he could live on just eating my cookies!

Pass on the Faith

The daily news may leave us feeling fearful or uncertain, at the least, and while we have few things we can truly depend upon in this world, we have God. He is faithful! He does what He says He will do!

Throughout our lives there have certainly been times when we have witnessed first-hand how God showed His great faithfulness to us - share these with your grandchildren! Help them see and remember evidence of God's faithfulness. Help them learn to watch for it in their own lives.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Today is National Homemade Bread Day!

Today is National Homemade Bread Day, so I thought I'd share a favorite recipe for baguettes! I received baguette pans one year for Christmas, so I found a recipe on-line which I use, but I do not steam the bread - I like a soft crust, not crunchy. I know, not a "true" baguette, but it is tasty for sure! You will find the recipe at this link.

Let's look at some fun bread facts, did you know . . . 

grandma's chuckles - a "Normal" Sandwich!

Today I am remembering a time when my then sweet three-year old grandson was over to my house for a few hours and, as he typically does, he had me laughing and filled my heart with joy. I thought it would be fun to share one of our conversations with you . . .

Thursday, November 16, 2023

My Sweet Love

Today my heart is very happy as I remember something my youngest grandson said seven years ago when he was three. He was at my house and watched Pooh's Heffalump Movie. In the movie, Lumpy's mom rescues Roo and then calls Roo, "Love". My grandson decided I should call him my, "Sweet Love"!

Book Review - May I Please Open a Present?

Scholastic sent me some of their books to review, so today I am going to write about a book which makes a fun Christmas gift for the children you love!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Shane's Important Things

Today I am remembering seven years ago when my then three years old grandson was at my house, and I had the opportunity to learn about something which matters a lot to him.

At my house we had a little crib which was been where he slept when he was here. It was also where he puts the things which mattered to him the most . . . his stuffed Corgie plush toy was in his crib. His big basset hound plush toy was in his crib. A transformer toy was in his crib. His pillow with photos of his family on it was in his crib. His yellow blanket was in his crib. His blanket with photos of our family on it was in his crib. And on this particular day, his own, real Bible was in his crib.

What Do You Do & a Thankful Thanksgiving Tablecloth

A week from tomorrow I'll be fixing my turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm getting a smoked turkey this year, plan to cut it up and put it in my instant pot with sliced apples and herbs to make it extra tasty, and then use my instant pot to heat the turkey so it is tasty and tender for dinner. I love the flavor apples add to the turkey . . . and the gravy!

What do you do to make your turkey extra tasty?