Sunday, November 26, 2023

Christmas Gifts Which Make a Difference - the little answer book & the little answer book for children

If you are looking for Christmas gifts which make a difference, then today I am happy to let you know about two more books which you could add to your gift list for the adults and children you love - the little answer book and  the little answer book for children.

My Christmas Carol for You - All is Well - Carrie Underwood & Michael W Smith

There are many, "peppy" and "spunky" Christmas songs, but the song I chose for today's Christmas carol is one which is simply lovely in every way. The music is played by Michael W Smith on a piano with a full orchestra - beautiful. The singing is by Carrie and Michael - lovely. And the message in the words is one of hope, comfort and joy . . . perfect!

Look at the lyrics for All is Well . . . 

grandma's chuckles - Snow Duck Man of Doom!

We are supposed to receive our first snow of the season today, which brought a logical question to mind - followed by a sweet memory . . . first for the logical question - what do you do when you are at your grandparent's home and there is snow in their large yard? The answer is clearly, of course you play in it!

Which brings me to the sweet memory. Seven years ago when my grandsons were here they wanted to go out to play in the snow. Could they build a simple snowman? Of course not! They built a snow duck man of doom! What else would an eight-year old, a five-year old, and a three-year old build from snow?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Give the Gift of Understanding & Creativity with illustrate my own - Known Bible Hero book series

You are likely familiar with the Bible people from my illustrate my own - Known Bible Hero book series - Noah, Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah (otherwise known as Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego), Ruth, Joshua, Caleb, David, Elijah, Jonah, Daniel, Joseph, Hadassah (Esther), and Gideon so just think how much fun it would be to illustrate these familiar accounts . . . whether you are an artist or draw your illustrations with stick people. As much fun as it would be for you to illustrate these Bible adventures for your grandchildren, think how much more fun it would be to illustrate them together . . . and most importantly, think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have as you work together to illustrate your books!

grandma's chuckles - Show Love to Grandma Day & Important Conversations

Today my heart is filled with thankfulness as I remember a wonderful day eight years ago which was; "Show Love to Grandma Day!" All three boys sat down at the table and started drawing hearts and flowers to make pictures for me, to say, "I love you!" Even my youngest grandson (two years old) wanted to get in on it all . . . he had me draw the flowers, then he colored them!

Countdown-to-Christmas - the Hallelujah Chorus - Like You've Never Seen It Before!

When you think about songs which praise Jesus and share the good news of why He came, you have to think of the Hallelujah Chorus! Written 250 years ago, according to Wiki,  "Handel's   Messiah has been described by the early-music scholar Richard Luckett as 'a commentary on [Jesus Christ's] Nativity, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension', beginning with God's promises as spoken by the prophets and ending with Christ's glorification in heaven. The music for Messiah was completed in 24 days and at the end of his manuscript Handel wrote the letters "SDG"—Soli Deo Gloria, 'To God alone the glory'. This inscription, taken with the speed of composition, has encouraged belief in the apocryphal story that Handel wrote the music in a fervour of divine inspiration in which, as he wrote the 'Hallelujah' chorus, 'he saw all heaven before him'."

Friday, November 24, 2023

illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero books - No "Ordinary" Bible Person Storybook & Great Christmas Gifts!

If you are not an artist, or artistic person, when you see a book which you need to provide the illustrations for, you may think it is not the book for you. But, in this case with the  illustrate my own Known Bible Hero and illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero books, nothing could be farther from the truth! These books give you the unique opportunity to engage with the children you love in ways you never have when you read a book about a real Bible person, as since you and/or they will be providing the illustrations, you get to talk about what is happening, think through what the Bible person is saying, and basically really pay attention to the details so you are able to provide the illustrations! Just think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have about the Bible people and how what they learned applies to you as well! These books are no ordinary Bible person storybook and they make fantastic Christmas gifts!

Countdown-to-Christmas Caroling - O Come, O Come Emmanuel - the Piano Guys

Today I'm starting my time of Christmas Carols! Each day I will share a carol/song with you as we look forward to celebrating Christmas. Emmanuel means God with us; and this is why Jesus came . . . to be with us! This is why we celebrate Christmas. When I hear the song, O Come, O Come Emmanuel I think about what it would be like if we were still waiting for Him to appear and I rejoice in knowing He has come and we can know Him because He is with us!

"I Do NOT Like That Song!!!"

Do you go caroling at Christmas-time? What is your favorite Christmas carol? 

Thinking about singing at Christmas reminded me of how eight years ago, on Thanksgiving, my grandsons spent the night - fun time to have a sleep-over! Well, the next morning we were talking about Christmas and reindeer and my husband mentioned the song, "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer", so I sang a line of it. My then four-year-old grandson said . . . with great passion; "I do NOT like that song!!!" Then he came and gave me a big hug!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Give the Gift of Understanding & Creativity with illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books

You are likely familiar with the Bible people from my illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants me to Know book series - The Lost Lamb, The Woman at the Well, The Man with Leprosy, The Good Samaritan, The Pharisee & the Tax Collector, The Two Builders, and Martha & Mary so just think how much fun it would be to illustrate these familiar accounts . . . whether you are an artist or draw your illustrations with stick people. As much fun as it would be for you to illustrate these Bible adventures for your grandchildren, think how much more fun it would be to illustrate them together . . . and most importantly, think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have as you work together to illustrate your books!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons are coming to our house for Thanksgiving dinner! I am roasting a turkey, making mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin cornbread, and applesauce. My daughters are bringing the veggies, yams, cranberries, deviled eggs, and dessert. We will have a tasty dinner together and much for which to be thankful for sure!

Christmas & Holiday Traditions at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

Tuesday night my husband and I visited Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park to see their yearly Christmas & Holiday Traditions exhibit, which is now open and it is wonderful! There are 46 trees and cultural displays and more than 300,000 colorful lights - inside and out. The Railway Garden in the Earl and Donnalee Holton Victorian Garden Parlor is wonderful - I loved all the buildings built from natural items of our own city of Grand Rapids - there is even a mini Calder sculpture - it is Fantastic!

It's Time to Think About Christmas - a Nativity Set for Each Child!

The first year my husband and I were married, he gave me a Precious Moments Nativity Set . . . this was 42 Christmases ago!

Twenty years ago, or so, I crocheted a Nativity set with crochet cotton - I wanted to be able to set it in my tree, because it is the reason we celebrate! (A few years ago when the boys decorated my tree, my oldest grandson put the shepherd on it's back looking up, so it could "see" all the lights! He is a funny boy!)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith - a Christmas Gift which Makes a Difference

"The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith" has a new cover, updated content, AND is available at a special Christmas price - save $2 per book for the print copy! Look what Tim Kimmel (Family Matters) and Dr. Scott Turansky (National Center for Biblical Parenting) have to say about it -