Sunday, December 3, 2023
Give Two Books in One with the Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures!
Today is Make a Gift Day
When we think about the gifts we plan to give the people in our family for Christmas - or a birthday - we tend to think about a gift we will purchase. While there is certainly nothing wrong with purchasing a gift, think this year about giving a gift you make to those on your list - today is National Make a Gift Day. When my grandsons were younger I made crocheted hats for them for Christmas. One year I decided to make something different and crocheted them each a scarf - it looked like a tongue sticking out a mouth with teeth! I just couldn't crochet a simple scarf!
Christmas & Learning to Be Gracious
Countdown-to-Christmas - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring/Joy to the World
Saturday, December 2, 2023
A Family of Her Own for Candy - a Great Gift for Christmas!
Christmas "Caroling" with The Piano Guys!
Today is National Build Joy Day!
So, what is "National Build Joy Day"? Well, according to nationaltoday dot com it is a day to, "give back to your community in whatever way possible and make someone’s day!" This is certainly something we all are able to celebrate and make a part of our every day lives by bringing joy to people’s lives with tiny acts of kindness.
What might we do to celebrate National Build Joy Day - consider the following ideas from Nationaltoday -
It is Time for a Candy Cane Hunt!
Friday, December 1, 2023
This Christmas Engage & Equip the Ones You Love with God's Word
We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds, but would keep his commands. Psalm 78:4, 6, 7
Just for Fun - Interesting Christmas Trivia!
Countdown-to-Christmas - Casting Crowns - I Heard the Bells
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Don't Worry: It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren - A Christmas Gift Which Helps You Do What Matters the Most
Do you agree with me when I write about passing on a heritage of confident faith to the children you love, but are not sure where and how to begin? Do you have friends who are grandparents - or parents - who also want to pass on confident faith, but are also not sure where to begin? Are you looking for a Christmas gift for a grandparent/ parent you know which is a good read and one which will help them know how to do what matters the most?
My Christmas Carol for Today - Countdown-to-Christmas - Silent Night by Casting Crowns

A Gift Which Lasts All Year & Beyond . . . Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
Are you looking for a gift for your family? One which you do not have to worry about arriving in time for Christmas? One which is more than just another "thing" to open and shortly end up just taking up space? One which will help them connect and build memories? If so, then give the gift of either tickets to or a family membership to Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park (or a botanical garden near you.)