Monday, December 11, 2023
My Christmas Carol for Today - Carol of the Bells by Pentatonix
just for fun - Silly, but Real Laws in Arkansas
Christmas Traditions
Each year after Thanksgiving dinner we put up our Christmas tree - either that evening, or on the weekend when my grandsons come over for a sleepover. They help decorate the tree and I am always so happy with the final look.
grandma's Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest - Peanutbutter Mice by Nikki!
Eleven years ago I had a Christmas cookie recipe contest - today I want to share with you again a recipe sent in by a reader - Peanut-butter Mice by Nikki Lancaster! Nikki says this is her children's favorite cookie! Thank you Nikki for sharing the recipe with us!
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures - Try a Month for Free!
One of the most powerful things we are able to do for the ones we love is to pray for them. Some of us are seasoned prayer warriors, but some of us struggle with praying - what do we pray? How do we pray? Whether you - or someone on your gift list - is a seasoned prayer warrior or someone who struggles with prayer, Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is a book which will be used every day to guide whoever uses it through praying Scriptures for their own walk with God and for the walks of those they love.
Today I am happy to share with you one month of Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures to help you see what it is like -
grandma's Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest - Ritz Peanut Butter Snowflake Cookies by Lori
Eleven years ago I held a Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest and today am happy to share with you some of the recipes submitted by readers - today . . . Ritz Peanut Butter Snowflake Cookies - sent to me by Lori Layne! Lori said, "This is one of my favorite recipes. It is so simple I don't even need it written down to remember it." This recipe looks like it is very simple to make - and tasty! This should be a simple treat you could involve your grandchildren in making, too! Thank you Lori for sharing it with us!
Christmas Carol for Today - Little Saint Nick by the Beach Boys
These are the lyrics if you want to sing along -
Saturday, December 9, 2023
My Christmas Carol for Today - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Acappella
Just For Fun - More Christmas Fun Facts!
Christmas is just a couple weeks away, so I thought it would be fun to look up and share some more Christmas "fun facts" which you could share with your family and friends as you celebrate Christmas! Did you know . . .
Cacao, Peanut Butter, & Chocolate Chip Brownies - Enjoy!
Friday, December 8, 2023
grandma's chuckles - "He Cheats Because He is Three"
My Christmas Carols for You - TobyMac & Tasha Layton - Christmas Hits Different
My Top Five Reasons I Love to Spend Time with My Grandsons
I love to spend time with my grandsons. Without a doubt, even though these three, sweet boys have more energy on a slow day than I even think of having, I love to spend time with them! This photo was taken eight years ago in those days of "more energy" when they were seven, four, and two; I loved spending time with them - and continue to love doing this today. Even though there are other things I could do; I LOVE to spend time with them.