Thursday, December 28, 2023

Just for Fun - National Chocolate Candy Day!

It has been a busy week for me . . . cooking a special meal to celebrate Christmas, celebrating Christmas with my family, and time spent with the ones I love! Busy for sure, but wonderful in every way!

So, today I thought I'd take a look on-line and see if December 28th was a "special" day . . . and I'm happy to say, it is! Today is, "National Chocolate Candy Day"! Now this is a day to celebrate for sure!

grandma's favorite posts from 2014 . . . Caleb the Destroyer!

Today I thought it would be fun to share with you a post from 2014 when my middle grandson was two years old - "Caleb the Destroyer"!

44 Ways to Praise a Child


In the NIV Mom's Devotional Bible, I saw "101 Ways to Praise a Child", so . . . since any day seems like a great opportunity to encourage a child, I thought I'd share some of my personal favorite ways to praise a child with you today!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with the Praying Deeper Books

As we continue to look at resources which are available for grandparents to use to help them pass on a heritage of confident faith to the children they love, I am delighted to share with you three books which will guide grandparents - and parents, too - in praying every day for the children they love! In the interests of transparency, I wrote these books.

Just For Fun - Today is Make Paper Snowflakes Day!

Yes, today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day"! Where I live in Michigan we have no real snowflakes outside, but since today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day", I thought I'd share a couple fun and surprising facts about snow, a real photo of a real snowflake, and some ideas for making some of your own paper snowflakes! 

Fun New Year's Craft Ideas!

As 2023 comes to an end and 2024 begins, if you are looking for a few fun craft ideas which you can enjoy with the children you love, take a look at these ideas I found on Pinterest . . . 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Christmas Carols - Happy Day After Christmas! - Matthew West

I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with your families. As you go through today remember; "Even when Christmas is over the Light of the World is still here!" This song is beautiful and you will find it at this link.

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Extreme Grandparenting

Yesterday I talked about a book you could read to help you with handing down a heritage of confident faith to your grandchildren. Today I'm very happy to share with you another book . . . Extreme Grandparenting by Dr. Tim & Darcy Kimmel.

Today is National Candy Cane Day - Have a Candy Cane Hunt!

Today is National Candy Cane Day - according to Daysoftheyear dot com, "According to German folklore, the first candy canes were made in the 17th century when a choirmaster in Cologne, Germany, needed to find a way to keep the children quiet during the exceptionally long Christmas Eve Mass.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I celebrated last night with my family, so whether you did the same or are celebrating today, I want to say - Merry Christmas!

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

I've been writing for several years about how important it is for us, as grandparents to hand down a heritage of confident faith. One way I do this is to let you know about resources to help you as you do this. This week I'll be sharing resources with you which you could read and use to hand down confident faith to your grandchildren!

The first resource I'm sharing with you is one I wrote . . . a book; Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren In this book, along with sharing some of my "cute-grandson stories", I talk about important things for grandparents to think about and keep in mind as they focus on handing down a heritage of confident faith to their grandchildren. I talk about -

My Christmas Carol for Today - Mary Did You Know - by Penatonix

I first heard this song a number of years ago - Mark Lawry wrote and sang it. I love - Mary Did You Know - and I LOVE how Pentatonix sings it - enjoy at this link. It seems like a wonderful song to include today in my Christmas Carols - enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Here are the lyrics if you want to sing along . . . 

Christmas in a Nutshell

On grandma's cookie jar you are able to find ideas for Christmas: including crafts, recipes, gifts, and reviews. It doesn't take more than a quick look at grandma's cookie jar to know I LOVE Christmas and look forward all year to celebrating it with my family! But, along with the "fun" of Christmas; crafts, cooking, celebrating - I also want to take a moment to point to the, "reason for the season" . . . Jesus.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

My Christmas Carol for Today - Silent Night - by Acappella & in Sign Language

Today is Christmas Eve, so for my Christmas Carol for today I had to choose Silent Night. Yes, I did share Casting Crown's presentation of Silent Night a few weeks ago, but today I'm sharing Acappella's presentation AND a link for this song in sign language. In High School I had a deaf friend, so I learned some sign language - it is such a beautiful way to "sing" and Silent Night is one of the most beautiful songs to sing with sign language.