Monday, January 1, 2024
Happy New Year!
Just for Fun - National Soup Month!
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Giant, Frozen Marbles!
Winter is here - whether there is snow on the ground, or not (here in Michigan, while typically there is snow on the ground at this time of year, this year there is not), it is still a great time to find fun things to do with the children we love. I do love Pinterest for the fun ideas I find on it. I thought I'd share with you one fun thing you might try. Granted, if you live where it is at least cold outside (again, in Michigan typically it is cold outside, but today will be in the 40's - not really all that cold) it will be easier to pull this off, but even if it is not cold and/or snowy outside where you live, this is still a fun activity you could try and one the children you love will never forget!
crafting with grandma - Life-Sized Drawings!
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Today is National Bacon Day!
Making a Book with the Boys!
We all know how essential it is for the ones we love to become people who read. When my grandsons were young we spent many evenings reading books and also making up our own special stories, so one day when they were at my house for a sleep-over I had a special project in mind for them. My grandsons loved making up stories with me. From time to time they even turned one of their stories into a book for me; in fact, one of my favorite birthday presents ever was the book my oldest grandson made me titled - Super Josiah Saves Grandma from all the Robot Spiders in History!
Friday, December 29, 2023
Blankets, Love, & Prayers!
For Christmas 2013 I crocheted blankets for my grandsons, Josiah and Caleb. (I had just crocheted a blanket for baby Shane when he was born.) I knew it would take a fair amount of time to make both blankets, since I wanted them to be fairly large, but while I was pretty sure a five year old and a two year old would not be all that excited about opening blankets for Christmas, I still wanted them to have the blankets, so I made them.
Just for Fun . . . New Year's Fun Facts!
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith
If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.
Just for Fun - National Chocolate Candy Day!
grandma's favorite posts from 2014 . . . Caleb the Destroyer!
Today I thought it would be fun to share with you a post from 2014 when my middle grandson was two years old - "Caleb the Destroyer"!
44 Ways to Praise a Child
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with the Praying Deeper Books
Just For Fun - Today is Make Paper Snowflakes Day!
Yes, today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day"! Where I live in Michigan we have no real snowflakes outside, but since today is, "Make Paper Snowflakes Day", I thought I'd share a couple fun and surprising facts about snow, a real photo of a real snowflake, and some ideas for making some of your own paper snowflakes!