Thursday, January 11, 2024

grandma's chuckles . . . Apparently I'm, "So Easy to Operate"!!!

When my oldest grandson was five years old he was quite the reader! He knew how to sound out words and found great joy at being able to sit down with a book and read what all those words have to say! 

This of course, made me a happy grandma as I want my grandsons to love reading! It also gave me some unexpected opportunities to see how my grandson thought . . . and a few good laughs as well!

One day we were at the store with him and saw a plaque with an "interesting" saying on it. I held it up for him to read . . . which he did. The plaque said, "Grandparents; so easy to operate even a child can do it!" He read it and then said, "This is true! At least for grandma, that is! All I have to do to get what I want from you is to look cute and be polite!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A Family of Her Own for Candy - Great Story to Encourage Reading in the New Year

Last summer my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

grandma's chuckles:^) . . . Once Upon a Time . . .

I always loved reading books to to my grandsons when they were younger . . . it seems to be one of the "grandma requirements", but as much as I enjoyed reading books to them, I really loved making up stories . . . and was so happy to see they truly enjoyed our times when we made up stories! I loved being able to see how their imaginations were growing and of course the "storytelling" of young boys brings at least a few laughs! 

grandma's cookbook - Ham & Cheese Pretzel Bites!

My sweet grandsons are typically at my house every Saturday for a sleepover, so when I was browsing on  Pinterest and saw this recipe, I thought it sounded like a fun recipe to try with them! After all, what could be more fun than making home made ham and cheese  pretzel bites? :-)

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren

Have you been reading grandma's cookie jar and agree with me when I write about passing on a heritage of faith to your grandchildren, but are not sure where and how to begin? Do you have friends who are grandparents who also want to pass on their faith, but are also not sure where to begin? If so, would you and they like to work through a book together to learn how to pass on your faith? Or, even if you know how to pass on your faith, does the idea of a study/book you could work through on your own or with friends sound like a good idea to you? 

crafting with grandma - Valentines Day Salt-Dough Hand-Print Hearts!

If you have been reading grandma's cookie jar for long, you know I love crafts which involve  making hand and/or footprints of my grandsons . . . they grow up so very fast, so being able to save a "moment in time" when they are "little" (even when they assure me they are no longer "little", but are "big"!) is something I cherish!

So, when I was browsing on Pinterest and saw a salt-dough hand-print heart, I knew I had to do two things . . . make some with my sweet boys and share the recipe with you! 

Yelling at Children . . .

In the mornings I often watch the Today Show as I get around and start my day. Today I'm remembering a few years ago when they talked about an article from the Washington Post  about yelling at children; I found some very interesting information in this report and in the article, so I thought I'd share it with you.

First of all, yelling harms children. There is no debate about this; yelling harms children. The Washington Post said:

Monday, January 8, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children - Download Four Weeks for Free

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the children we love; at all times, but especially now with so much uncertainty in our world. 

Book Review - Chicken Little - The Real and Totally True Tale

In a box of books from Scholastic was a fun and quirky book - Chicken Little - The Real and Totally True Tale . . . a book sure to be a favorite!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Connect Your Family & God's Word with Generations Quest

We grandmas (grandpas/ parents) know God has clearly asked us to hand down confident faith. This is our God-given job and great joy. (See Psalm 78:4, 6, 7)

If we could receive anything as a gift this year, at the top of our list would absolutely be to have the ones we love make the choice to know, love, and walk with God. Well, we can not make the ones we love choose to do this, but we also do not have to leave it to chance for them to know, love, and walk with God. 

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park Butterflies Are Blooming Exhibit & Giveaway!

If you live in, or near, Grand Rapids, MI, you are most certainly familiar with Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. The past few months I wrote a few times about one of their special exhibits – their Holiday Exhibition - I especially loved all the poinsettias in their tropical conservatory and their Holiday train display.

Today I’m very happy to once again be writing about Meijer Gardens (as those of us who live in this area fondly call them) and their amazing Butterflies are Blooming Exhibit which will be starting in just a month and a half!

crafting with grandma - Paper, Stuffed Hearts!

I was browsing on Pinterest and found a great idea for making paper hearts . . . not the typical, one-dimensional paper hearts you might first think of, but big, puffy, beautiful stuffed hearts!

Follow this link and you'll find all the directions . . . this is a simple enough pattern you could have your grandchildren make them to give their parents or school teachers! I think it would be fun to make smaller hearts and then give them to the secretaries at school and church - and a smaller size would be nice for shut-in neighbors, too!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Make 2024 the Year Where You Pray Deeper!

Praying for our grandchildren (and children) is something we all know we need to do, but it is also something many of us struggle with. We may feel like our prayers do not even make it through the ceiling above us and do not know what to say or how to pray. Our lives are busy, so finding the time to pray can be a challenge which we may not overcome and then days go by without us spending time in prayer.

crafting with grandma - LOVE with Handprints!

When you have little ones at your home, chances are you will also have little handprints . . . on the windows, on the doors, on the furniture . . . in lots of places! Well, one day when I was browsing on Pinterest, I found the best idea ever for using those little hands . . . and feet, to make a gift which will be absolutely treasured by anyone who receives it!

All you need is paint, something to put the prints on; could be paper, canvas, wood, t-shirts, glass . . . whatever you choose and, of course, little hands and feet!