Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Today is National Appreciate a Dragon Day!

Now we all know while there are some actual dragons in our world, such as the Blue Dragons (Blue Glaucus - check my book Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More at this link to learn about these amazing and interesting real dragons!), and Bearded Dragons, there are not really giant reptiles which are able to fly and breathe fire. However, the idea of real dragons is interesting and can certainly add an element of fun to a story or movie - or an element of shock as well!

Monday, January 15, 2024

illustrate my own - Check Out this New Series


Quite a few years ago I wrote a series of books for children about Bible people. I was motivated to do so because when you see books about Bible people, they are usually about just a few Bible people and there are so many more people in the Bible with fantastic accounts of how they were able to know and walk with God. I enjoyed writing the Bible stories, but am not an artist, so I thought maybe it would be fun to write a series of books with an "illustrate my own" "twist" - so the children - and/or families - could illustrate their own books!

What We Do Matters; Now & For Future Generations

Do you wonder if what you do as a grandparent matters? Do you wonder about the legacy you leave behind and how it will impact your children and grandchildren?

Well, I want you to know what we do does matter and the history and legacy we leave behind has great power to influence the generations who follow. As an example of this, please allow me to share with you today a bit of my great-grandpa Badgerow's history and legacy.

Remember & Celebrate

Can you believe it? 2023 is already two weeks behind us and is part of the history books. 2024 has begun and it can be too easy to be so focused on the things we are planning for 2024 we forget to take time to thank God for His many blessings - big and small - from 2023.

So, let’s  take some time to remember the blessings we experienced throughout 2023. Consider the following . . .

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures!

This past week most of the schools in the area had three snow days - I'm certain the children were happy about this! But with snow days, or any days when children are home, there is always the challenge of finding things for them to do. If you have young children ages three to eight in your home, consider giving them a fun book with two stories in it which will brighten their day and make bedtime funtime! 

The 4N1 from Miracle Mobility - the Flexible Option Which Gets Attention!

A couple days ago I was at the store with my husband and while I waited for him a woman came over to me and started asking questions about my 4N1 - which I was using. She said she had never been anywhere where she saw anything like it before and thought it would something she would absolutely use. I told her I loved the flexibility it provides - on days when I'm more mobile, I am able to walk with it and use it like a rollator. On days like this day when my knee is extremely sore, I am able to use it as an motorized chair.

Plan You Own Silly, Snowy, Family Fun Day!

Since Winter has finally arrived and there is actually snow on the ground here in Michigan, I thought it might be fun today to share some winter jokes for children which I found online . . . 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent with The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith


If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.

In this book I look at how our physical DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Today - January 13th - Is, "National Rubber Ducky Day", So Let's Make Ducks!

Yes, believe it or not, today is, "National Rubber Ducky Day!" In 1970, Jim Henson  performed the song “Rubber Duckie” as Ernie on Sesame Street, and the rubber duck bath toy has been an iconic American symbol ever since. Rubber ducks have been around since the rise of the rubber industry in the late 1800s, but no one knows their exact origin.

I LOVE being grandma!!!

I LOVE being grandma to my three grandsons - they make my heart so happy! Today I'm remembering nine years ago when the boys were having a sleep-over; at bedtime they were having trouble settling  down and going to sleep; imagine that! An almost three year old and a soon-to- be-six year old having trouble settling down at bedtime!

At any rate, we were trying to get them to go to sleep, when our oldest grandson looked at me with the sweetest face and said, "Grandma, will you sing, 'You are My Sunshine'?" Of course I was happy to do so, so I began . . . 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Cooking = Family Memories to Treasure!

What do you remember from when you were a child? Which family memories stand out to you when you remember being young? For me, I remember times when my family got together . . . there were always amazing things to eat as my family had excellent cooks as my grandmas and my mom could all cook! There are few things in life as wonderful as time spent with family . . . when you can add in tasty things to eat . . . well, it is the "cherry on top"!

Trust, Twinkly Blue Eyes, a Big Smile, & Old, Dry, Dead Brown Leaves!

Today I want to share with you a post I wrote seven years ago - What is “trust”? Well, dictionary.com defines it as a; “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” I want my grandchildren to know they are absolutely able to trust me, but more importantly I want them to know they are absolutely able to trust God. Since my grandchildren are young (eight, five and three years old), one way they learn they are able to trust God is by learning they are able to trust me.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The "Buzz" About, It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren!

A few years ago I wrote a book to help, encourage, and challenge grandparents and parents - Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren! and thought it might be fun today to share with you some of the "buzz" . . . what people are saying about this book - and neither of these two people are related to me!

crafting with grandma - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Slippers

When my grandsons were young, one of the things we talked about was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They asked; "Grandma, have you ever watched the Turtles?" I said, "No." They asked; "Then why don't you like them?" I said, "Well, because while some girls may like the Turtles, I always thought; 'Why are the Turtles ninjas?' It didn't make sense to me and sounded silly. If I was a boy I probably would have thought they were cool, exciting, and fun." To which my then five year old grandson said, "Definitely!!" He thought I needed to spend time watching the Turtles with him so I could see how cool, exciting, and fun they are; even though I am a girl!