Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Just For Fun!!! Odd Animal Facts!

There are no shortage of strange animals in the world, but even some of the most familiar have strange things about them which are not necessarily common knowledge. So, today I thought I'd share a few of the funny, strange, but true facts about common animals.  For example, did you know . . . 

just for fun - It Is Peanut Butter Day!

I LOVE peanut butter! It is one of my favorite foods for sure! So, when I saw on daysoftheyear (dot) com, today is National Peanut Butter Day, well, I had to let you know so you can celebrate it as well! They said, "Who doesn’t love peanut butter? So let’s celebrate Peanut Butter Day. This auspicious occasion was created many years ago, to allow peanut butter lovers to celebrate the creation of this wonderful food. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too!

Yesterday I wrote about my book, Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! - and shared endorsements from several people. Today I want to let you know about another book which will help you pray deeper for the ones you love - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you through 52 weeks of praying through the Psalms for your own walk with God and for the ones you love as well. It is an excellent tool for you to use to help you in your walk and makes a great gift for the parents and grandparents you know.

just for fun - Today - January 23rd - Is Pie Day!

Mmmmmm! Pie Day! I'm all for this day; after all, what isn't there to absolutely LOVE about pie??!!! Sweet pies or savory pot pies . . . in my opinion, it is difficult to go wrong with pie!!!

Just for fun, I thought I'd "search" the web to look for any Pie Day fun facts and found a few . . . 

Teach Your Grandchildren to Sign!

If you are looking for something fun, useful and educational which you could do with your  grandchildren, consider teaching them American Sign Language. Sound interesting? It is really pretty simple to do if you just take one or two words or a sentence at at time. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love

Today I want to share two books with you which you could use to help you pass faith to your grandchildren. I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

Today is Grandpa Day!

Yes, again if you live in Poland, today is Grandpa Day! But, whether you live in Poland or not, it is a great day to stop and be thankful for your grandpa for sure! So, since we enjoyed some quotes about grandmas yesterday on Grandma Day, I thought I'd share some quotes about grandpas with you today . . .

just for fun! Hippos and Mustaches!

I thought it would be fun to share some odd, funny, and  unbelievable facts with you which you are then able to share with your grandchildren!!! If you know an odd, funny or unbelievable fact to share with us - please do!!! I think it will be fun to learn all these "facts" . . . and then share them with our grandchildren!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Learn About Your "Faith & Prayer DNA"

Our DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Yes, our physical DNA tells our cells and bodies how to Develop, Live and Reproduce, but let's think for a moment about another type of "DNA". A Spiritual DNA. More specifically, our "Faith and Prayer DNA". What are a, "Faith and Prayer DNA" you ask? Well, just as our physical DNA provides the code for how our bodies develop, live and reproduce, our "Faith and Prayer DNA" gives us the code or instructions which help us learn to develop a strong walk of faith, live as people who believe and reproduce by handing down to our children and our children's children a strong, confident and healthy walk of faith. 

Today is World Snow Day

Today is World Snow Day and with all the snow we have received the past two weeks, there is no shortage of it outside for my grandsons to use to celebrate World Snow Day. This day was started by the International Ski Federation, but whether you want to ski or not, the purpose works for everyone - if you have snow. They say, "The purpose of World Snow Day is to encourage families to make lasting memories with their children, as well as to offer opportunities for children to have experiences with winter sports like snowboarding and skiing."

What might you do to celebrate World Snow Day? Consider the following . . . 

Today is Grandmother's Day!

Today is Grandmother's Day - at least if you live in Poland. If you live in France, they celebrate their grandmas the first Sunday in March. Here in the US, grandmas are typically celebrated with grandpas on Grandparent's Day which is the Sunday following Labor Day, but a day to celebrate grandmas is not a bad idea! So, since we grandmas do make a difference, I thought it would be fun to look at some quotes about grandmas . . . 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Two Books for the Children You Love


Over the past few months I have shared with you my new books for children - A Family of Her Own for Candy and The Little Ginormous, Humongous, Hairy, One-Eyed Monster Boys Adventures! - today I am so happy to let you know both books are now available as Kindle ebooks - and are still available in print books as well.

crafting with grandma - Valentine Heart Window Clings

Christmas and New Years Day are past and the next "big" holiday is Valentines Day, so I thought I'd share some fun Valentines Day crafts with you! I love "window clings" which made these wonderful hearts I found on Pinterest seem like a great place to start!

just for fun - Tomorrow - January 21st - is National Hugging Day!

Now this is a holiday for grandmas for sure! National Hugging Day!!! I LOVE this one! I looked on-line at punchbowl (dot) com and found the following information about National Hugging Day; "Today is National Hugging Day! Whether you prefer Bear Hugs, Heart-to-Heart Hugs, Cheek Hugs, or Side Hugs, embrace your loved ones today to show your love and affection.