Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bible Maze Journey Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!


Part of effective Children's Ministry involves planning events which will engage the entire family, but doing this is often challenging. If your church is looking for ideas to help them connect and engage families in your church and community, please share this post with them and ask them to consider getting a Bible Maze Journey book - they are now available as kindle ebooks!

grandma's cookbook - It Is Blueberry Pancake Day - January 28th - & My Pancake Recipe!

Nearly every Saturday our grandsons come over so they can spend the night! Sunday morning I fix breakfast . . . they usually choose sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, and coffee!  Sometimes, the boys choose blueberry pancakes, so since today is Blueberry Pancake Day, I thought I'd share my pancake recipe with you!

14 Days of Love - Countdown to Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is getting closer, so I thought I'd share with you an idea I found on  Pinterest for sharing love with people you love - a countdown to Valentine's Day! It could easily be "tweaked" for you to use with your grandchildren . . . for example, on Day 14 the "tag" says, "You make my heart "bubble" over!" and the item you attach it to is supposed to be a bottle of sparkling cider. They give suggestions of also using any carbonated beverage, Bubble Tape, or Bubble Yum, but I'd use a bottle of bubbles!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Focused & Intentional Grandparenting with Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith!

What kind of grandparent are you? Do you enjoy being a grandparent and are happy to be past the child-rearing stage? Do you enjoy spending time with your grandchildren and make time to do things with them? Are you focused and active in passing on a heritage of confident faith to your grandchildren? What kind of grandparent are you?

Enter the Drawing for Trio!

Yesterday I announced a fun giveaway for the new game, Trio. If you would like to be in the drawing for this game on February 2, 2024, then you need to comment on this post or on my post from yesterday - at this link. See, it is VERY easy to be in the drawing for Trio - you just have to live in the USA, be 18 or older, and comment on the post - if you comment on both, you will receive two entries!

just for fun - Today - January 27th - is Chocolate Cake Day!

am extremely happy to say today is Chocolate Cake Day! Here in Michigan it is a rainy day - it has been very cold and snowy for a couple weeks, but today will be in the 40's and rainy, so what could be a better way to brighten a grey, dreary, cloudy, rainy day, than with a piece of chocolate cake?!!! Even if it was not Chocolate Cake Day, it would still be a great way to brighten this day . . . but it is!!! So, let's celebrate!

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park - Best in the Country in 2023 & Let's Vote for it in 2024!

I am blessed to live in West Michigan - the home of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. From time to time I post about it here on grandma's cookie jar - for good reason . . . it is an amazing place! Last year my husband I and got a Grandparents & Guest Membership - we are able to go as often as we like, bring our grandsons, and a guest with us - which is something we have done a lot - nearly every week - over the past year! It is almost time for us to renew our membership and we are absolutely doing so!

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Relief for Grief - Available on Amazon

The past few years have brought blessings into our lives for sure, but many have experienced loss as well. Loss is a normal part of our lives. When we experience loss, we experience grief. It is important for us to work through grief, and while there are tools available to help us do this, today I am happy to let you know about a book which is available to help you do exactly this.

New from Happy Camper - Trio & I'm Giving One Away!

If you are a person who enjoys playing games, then I have very happy news for you today . . . there is a new company in the world of games and it has released their first game! Happy Camper is the company and Trio is the game and this is a game you are going to love! Today I am very happy to let you know about some of the things which most impressed me when I received a Trio game to review and then I am going to let you know about a special giveaway . . . yes, as I said, I have very happy news for you today! First of all, the things which most impressed me about Trio . . . 

just for fun - Yesterday - January 25th - was Observe the Weather Day . . . Have Some Fun Doing So!

Yesterday, January 25th was, Observe the Weather Day . . . I know, if you live in Michigan - or in most of the East half of the country - the weather is something you may rather not observe! We just had two weeks of lots of cold and snow, but now it is warm (36 is warm in January in Michigan) and the snow is melting . . . observing it is not particularly enjoyable. However; it is winter and winter is typically cold and snowy, so I suppose it is doing what it should be.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures for You & the Parents & Grandparents You Love

Over the past few years I have written several books which guide parents and grandparents in praying through the Scriptures for their own walk with God and for their children/ grandchildren's walk as well. I led the G@P (Generations at Prayer) group at my church and we worked through my books, so last year I wrote a new book for my group to use with a focus on praying both Old and New Testament passages for the children we love who are walking with God and those who are not. Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is available in paperback and makes a fantastic gift for the parents and grandparents you love!

My "Best" "Grandma Advice"

Today I'm remembering eleven years ago when I had the joy of celebrating my oldest grandson's 4th birthday! He got to pick the menu . . . chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and fries . . . his momma brought the cake . . . white cake with cream cheese frosting and lots of sprinkles . . . and of course, he got to open gifts! It was sooo much fun!

Today is National Florida Day!

Yes, today is National Florida Day, so if you - or someone you love lives in Florida, this is the day to celebrate! According to Nationaltoday dot com, this "the day was established to recognize Florida’s arrival as the 27th state in the union of the U.S." So, to celebrate National Florida Day, let's learn about some of their silly laws and interesting history. Did you know . . . 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Try Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the ones we love; at all times, but especially now with the wars in Ukraine and Israel, and the uncertainties of day-to-day life in 2024. Our grandchildren (and/or young children) may especially feel fear as they see and hear about the things going on in this world.

If ever there was a time to help them learn to be people who talk with God, this is it. So, to help you with this, I and my grandsons want you to know about our book, Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children. Look what people are saying about this book -