Wednesday, January 31, 2024

just for fun . . . !yaD sdrawkcaB si tI (It is Backwards Day!)

Yes, today is truly, "just for fun" because it is Backwards Day!  "Backward Day is a day to do everything backwards. Use your imagination, and Backward Day can be lots of fun. It's especially popular with school aged kids. Try writing backwards or reading backwards. Wear your shirt with the back in the front. Eat your meal, starting with dessert. Now this is what I call fun! Walk backwards, or talk backwards. Play a board game backwards, from the finish line to the start. Are you starting to get the picture!? This day is limited only by your imagination."   

Just for Fun!!! Did You Know . . .

I love learning about interesting animal facts. There are so many amazing animals in our world and they tend to have surprising, interesting, and sometimes completely unexpected facts which go with them. For example, did you know . . .

The Drawing for Trio is Just Two Days Away - On February 2, 2024

For nearly a week I've been posting about a new game - Trio - you will find my main post at this link. Trio is a game your whole family will love playing and you are able to be in a drawing to win one Trio game!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren


I've been writing for several years about how important it is for us, as grandparents to hand down a heritage of confident faith. One way I do this is to let you know about resources to help you as you do this. 

Today I'm letting you know about a book I wrote . . . Don't Worry: It Is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren In this book, along with sharing some of my "cute-grandson stories", I talk about important things for grandparents to think about and keep in mind as they focus on handing down a heritage of confident faith to their grandchildren. I talk about -

Tomorrow - January 31st is National Hot Chocolate Day!

Yes! Since tomorrow is National Hot Chocolate Day, I thought I'd give you a "heads up", so you have time to get the things you need to celebrate - milk, chocolate, whipped cream - all essentials! So, today along with letting you know about this wonderful day, I thought I'd share some fun facts about Hot Chocolate - did you know . . .

crafting with grandma - Eclectic Purse with a Sense of Whimsy and Fun!!!

I enjoy getting a new purse. I enjoy crocheting. I enjoy an eclectic "sense" of things matching or going together, yet not matching (for example, my dishes match because they are all  Fiesta Square Platesbut they do not match because they each are different colors!) I enjoy a sense of "whimsy" and "fun"! So . . . when I was browsing on Pinterest  and saw a purse which fit all these things, I was inspired to try and make one of my own!!!

Monday, January 29, 2024

crafting with grandma - It Is National Puzzle Day January 29th - Let's Make Puzzle Crafts!

While I was never a huge "fan" of assembling puzzles, I LOVE crafts with puzzle pieces! Not only are puzzle crafts interesting and unique, but they tend to be inexpensive as most of us have puzzles in our closets which are missing at least a piece or two . . . or they can be purchased at garage sales for typically less than a dollar!

You are able to do so many wonderful things with puzzle pieces . . . just look at some of the fun ideas I found on Pinterest . . .

Today is Kansas Day

If you live in Kansas, or just enjoy learning about the different States in our Country, well, today is Kansas Day - the day to celebrate the admission of Kansas State as the 34th member of the United States in 1861!  I'm going to start this post with some of the silly laws in Kansas - get ready to laugh - did you know . . . 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bible Maze Journey Books are Now Available as Kindle ebooks!


Part of effective Children's Ministry involves planning events which will engage the entire family, but doing this is often challenging. If your church is looking for ideas to help them connect and engage families in your church and community, please share this post with them and ask them to consider getting a Bible Maze Journey book - they are now available as kindle ebooks!

grandma's cookbook - It Is Blueberry Pancake Day - January 28th - & My Pancake Recipe!

Nearly every Saturday our grandsons come over so they can spend the night! Sunday morning I fix breakfast . . . they usually choose sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, and coffee!  Sometimes, the boys choose blueberry pancakes, so since today is Blueberry Pancake Day, I thought I'd share my pancake recipe with you!

14 Days of Love - Countdown to Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is getting closer, so I thought I'd share with you an idea I found on  Pinterest for sharing love with people you love - a countdown to Valentine's Day! It could easily be "tweaked" for you to use with your grandchildren . . . for example, on Day 14 the "tag" says, "You make my heart "bubble" over!" and the item you attach it to is supposed to be a bottle of sparkling cider. They give suggestions of also using any carbonated beverage, Bubble Tape, or Bubble Yum, but I'd use a bottle of bubbles!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Focused & Intentional Grandparenting with Generations Quest - Cultivate the Faith!

What kind of grandparent are you? Do you enjoy being a grandparent and are happy to be past the child-rearing stage? Do you enjoy spending time with your grandchildren and make time to do things with them? Are you focused and active in passing on a heritage of confident faith to your grandchildren? What kind of grandparent are you?

Enter the Drawing for Trio!

Yesterday I announced a fun giveaway for the new game, Trio. If you would like to be in the drawing for this game on February 2, 2024, then you need to comment on this post or on my post from yesterday - at this link. See, it is VERY easy to be in the drawing for Trio - you just have to live in the USA, be 18 or older, and comment on the post - if you comment on both, you will receive two entries!

just for fun - Today - January 27th - is Chocolate Cake Day!

am extremely happy to say today is Chocolate Cake Day! Here in Michigan it is a rainy day - it has been very cold and snowy for a couple weeks, but today will be in the 40's and rainy, so what could be a better way to brighten a grey, dreary, cloudy, rainy day, than with a piece of chocolate cake?!!! Even if it was not Chocolate Cake Day, it would still be a great way to brighten this day . . . but it is!!! So, let's celebrate!