Monday, February 12, 2024

Centuro Mini - THE Mobility Scooter for You & Those You Love

A couple years ago I received a special delivery which I am happy to tell you about again today. Bischoff & Bischoff (one of Europe's largest manufacturers of rollators and mobility scooters) sent me their Centuro Mini. Today I am very happy to let you know about this excellent mobility scooter. 

Today is Georgia Day

Today is Georgia Day - for thousands of years Native tribes lived in this area as it was the territory of both the Creek and the Cherokee nations, but in the 1730's European Americans began to settle in Georgia. On January 19, 1861, Georgia seceded from the Union and joined other Southern states on February 8, to form the Confederate States of America. Georgia contributed nearly one hundred twenty thousand soldiers to the Confederate war effort. During the broad-based activism of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the city of Atlanta, Georgia became the base of African-American leader, minister Martin Luther King Jr. This State has a long history, which we will learn more of shortly, but first let's consider some of their silly laws - did you know . . . 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Words Have a Lasting Impact on Children

Over the years I've shared posts with you which my friend Maralee McKee, the Manner' Mentor, wrote on her blog; this one is from a few years ago, but is true today, too. Maralee wrote about her visit to a store where she heard unkind words being spoken by a mother to her daughter. Maralee said, "Words linger...words wind their way through our mind dropping off in every nook and cranny. They're never forgotten. Our sub-conscious holds on to them. After all our parents voice is our first voice of truth. Mama said it's so, so it has to be right."

Tomorrow is Hug Day!

Tomorrow - February 12th - is Hug Day! Nationaltoday dot com says, "It’s hard to deny the power a simple hug is able to have over our moods and general well-being. It’s amazing how such a simple gesture  just melts your troubles away. You hug someone to celebrate their highest of highs and to soothe them during their lowest of lows. Hugs help lower stress, increase mutual trust, and lower blood pressure, among so many other benefits. Hug a person you love today — it’s free!"

So, to celebrate Hug Day, let's first look at some fun facts about hugs - did you know . . . 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hand Down Confident Faith with the little answer book for children


As you have likely noticed, from time to time I write about Barna's and Gallup's recent polls - for a very important reason . . . because we must stand up and take action to stop the loss of the ones we love. If someone does not speak up and ask others to join them, how will grandparents, parents, and church leaders know there is a way to stop what is happening? 

Amazing Science Project Ideas!

Yesterday my daughter shared a link on my facebook page to a video which showed some amazing science activities . . . did I say "amazing"? I should have wrote, "AMAZING"! So, of course I have to share the link with you!

Today is Teddy Bear Day!

Who doesn't love a nice, soft, snuggly teddy bear? So, I suppose a day to "celebrate" teddy bears makes sense . . . maybe! At any rate, whether it makes sense or not, today is Teddy Bear Day!

Friday, February 9, 2024

the little answer book - Will Help You Be Prepared


I am not a theologian, a scientist, a philosopher, or an apologist. I am a mom. I am a grandma.

I am also a friend, and as a friend I have listened as moms and grandmas shared with me their heartbreak when their loved child, grown child, and/or grandchild made the choice to walk away from their faith. These friends shared how they did what they knew to do as the ones they loved grew up – they prayed with them, taught them about God, Jesus, and the Bible, took them to church, encouraged them to be involved in their youth group, and tried to model what it meant to love, know, and walk with God. They never thought the one they loved would turn away from their faith, but disappointment in people, hurt, and/or difficult times came along and the unthinkable happened.

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Here's some news to brighten your day and challenge you to do so with others . . . on this day 26 years ago the first annual "Random Acts of Kindness Week" began. Originally, the idea to “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” came to Anne Herbert while sitting in a Sausalito cafe during the 1980s.

Today is National Pizza Day!

Oh yes, National Pizza Day . . . certainly a day worth celebrating, so in honor of this tasty day, I'm re-posting a recipe I shared back when I began grandma's cookie jar for homemade, personal pizzas, but first a few pizza fun facts - did you know . . .

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Try Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children

When we trust God, we are steadfast and are able to experience His perfect peace. This is certainly what we want for the ones we love; at all times, but especially now with the upcoming election and the wars in Ukraine and Israel, along with the uncertainties of day-to-day life in 2024. Our grandchildren (and/or young children) may especially feel fear as they see and hear about the things going on in this world.

If ever there was a time to help them learn to be people who talk with God, this is it. So, to help you with this, I and my grandsons want you to know about our book, Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children. Look what people are saying about this book - 

Today is National Iowa Day

Today is National Iowa Day, so it is a good day to look at some of the silly laws in Iowa and at some of the things which make Iowa special. Did you know in Iowa . . .

Amaze Your Grandchildren With This Fun Activity!

Grandmas should be able to "amaze" their grandchildren from time to time - don't you agree? :-) My grandsons were at my house one day last week, so I showed them a simple piece of paper and asked if they believed I could cut a hole in it big enough for them to walk through. They looked at it, then at me and said, "No. I do not think you can do that." I said, "Hmmm . . . well, we will see, because I can!"

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

grandma's cookbook - Easy Chicken Pot Pie

February is the Great American Pie month and while you may think of sweet pies when you think about pies, savory pies are also delicious! So, if you are thinking about a savory pie and are looking for a fun, simple, and nutritious  meal which you could make with your  grandchildren - Chicken Pot Pie!