Thursday, February 15, 2024

Megabats, Bengal Tigers, Quetzals & More! is Sure to Help You Hand Down Confident Faith


Megabats, Wolverines, Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Giant Clams, Bengal Tigers, Clown Frogfish, Hellbenders, Orangutans, Wombats, Elephantnose Fish, Tasmanian Devils, and Quetzals are all the animals you will find in the book, Megabats, Bengal Tigers, Quetzals & More! Which of these have you never heard of before? Which one do you think will be the most interesting or surprising?

grandma's cookbook - Refreshing Blueberry, Green Ice Tea!

Ten days ago I shared my recipe for Blueberry, Lemonade, Cream Pie, so I thought it made sense to share my favorite recipe for blueberry tea with you today! 

Whether it is hot and humid or cold, this tea is a delicious and refreshing drink. Try this recipe with your grandchildren . . . it is simple, quick, and so delicious! A big added "plus" is the health benefit . . . blueberries and green tea are so good for you! My husband never liked tea, until I made blueberry tea for him! Now he drinks my tea instead of pop! My grandsons love this tea, too . . . and the only sweetening comes naturally from blueberries . . . not sugar!

Today is National Wisconsin Day

Today is National Wisconsin Day, so if you live in Wisconsin, it is a day to celebrate! So, let's learn about some of the silly laws and interesting facts which make Wisconsin special. Did you know in Wisconsin it is illegal to . . . 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Discover New Creatures with Red-Lipped Batfish, Giant Purple Squirrels, Kakapos & More!


Did you know there is actually such a thing as the Red-Lipped Batfish? Have you ever heard of Rufous Hummingbirds, Gharials, Asiatic Lions, or Giant Purple Squirrels? Yes, they are all real animals and you will find all of them, along with Komodo Dragons, Dumbo Octopuses, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Baikal Seals, Guanacos, Blue Whales & Whale Sharks, and Kakapos in the book, Red-Lipped Batfish, Giant Purple Squirrels, Kakapos & More! 

Granny Square Purse for Grandma!!!

Do you like to crochet? If so, do you have any extra granny squares on hand? If so, you could take them and make a new purse. This is a purse I made from granny squares . . . it has enough room for my things and it has enough color to brighten a day here in Michigan! It is a really easy purse to make . . . just make some granny squares with leftover yarn - I used six granny squares for this purse - then crochet a liner. I attached the liner to the top of the granny squares and then crocheted some additional rows to make the top part of the purse, added a handle and voila! The purse was finished!

Today is Statehood Day in Arizona

Yes, if you live in Arizona you are likely celebrating today as it is Statehood Day! It did not become a state until 1912 - and was the 48th state. We will look at some more interesting facts about Arizona, but first some of their silly laws - did you know it is illegal in Arizona to . . . 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Civets, Tree Kangaroos, Batoids & More! Will Help You Hand Down Confident Faith - What Could Be Better Than This!

When my grandsons and I started talking about writing this book series together, we talked about the animals/creatures we thought should make it into our books. My grandsons, being the sweet rascals they are, thought we should include a spider. They know how I truly am frightened of these creatures, but they told me God made them and there are interesting things about them. I was skeptical, but told them if we wrote a third book, we would put a spider in it. I didn't think we would write more than two books, but when it became clear it was time to work on book three, a spider had to be included. So I started looking for the least scary-lookin spider and found there were three - sorta, least scary-looking, and these three became part of book three - Civets, Tree Kangaroos, Batoids & More! Look at the animals/creatures you will find in this book . . . 

just for fun - It is Random Acts of Kindness Week!

While I encourage my grandsons to focus on being kind to others every day, since it is, "Random Acts of Kindness Week", it seems like a great time to remind them to be kind and to think of ways they can be kind to others. It is all about finding small ways to make a difference and in doing so, to also put a smile on someone else's face!

Take time today to talk about things the ones you love are able to do to be kind . . . things like . . . 

We are "View-Givers"

Today I want to write about something important. Handing down a heritage of faith to our grandchildren. Several years ago I heard Steve Bell (Willow Creek Church) say something which got my attention: "How we feel about our grandchildren is how they will feel about themselves."

Monday, February 12, 2024

Teach the "Whys" by Reading Eyelash Vipers, Pygmy Elephants, Pangolins & More!


Reading books to and with children is an important and essential thing for us to do - it helps children become people who learn more easily, helps them develop their vocabulary, prepares them to be people who read, strengthens their ability read, and so much more! Yes, reading with the ones we love is a powerful thing we are able to do to make a difference in their lives.

But, when the reading also helps us hand down a confident faith by teaching the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real and God and science DO go together, then we have even more reasons to read and give books which equip us to do this. The Life on the Goldilocks Planet books do exactly this, so today I want to let you know about another book in the series - Eyelash Vipers, Pygmy Elephants, Pangolins & More! - look what you will find in it . . .

Centuro Mini - THE Mobility Scooter for You & Those You Love

A couple years ago I received a special delivery which I am happy to tell you about again today. Bischoff & Bischoff (one of Europe's largest manufacturers of rollators and mobility scooters) sent me their Centuro Mini. Today I am very happy to let you know about this excellent mobility scooter. 

Today is Georgia Day

Today is Georgia Day - for thousands of years Native tribes lived in this area as it was the territory of both the Creek and the Cherokee nations, but in the 1730's European Americans began to settle in Georgia. On January 19, 1861, Georgia seceded from the Union and joined other Southern states on February 8, to form the Confederate States of America. Georgia contributed nearly one hundred twenty thousand soldiers to the Confederate war effort. During the broad-based activism of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the city of Atlanta, Georgia became the base of African-American leader, minister Martin Luther King Jr. This State has a long history, which we will learn more of shortly, but first let's consider some of their silly laws - did you know . . . 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Look at Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More!


From time to time over the past couple years I have written about the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books - these books are not only interesting and fun, but they are a terrific tool to help you as a parent or grandparent hand down confident faith as they will help you talk about and learn some important "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real and the God and science DO go together! Today I thought I'd let you know about the animals you will find in the book - Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More! . . . 

Words Have a Lasting Impact on Children

Over the years I've shared posts with you which my friend Maralee McKee, the Manner' Mentor, wrote on her blog; this one is from a few years ago, but is true today, too. Maralee wrote about her visit to a store where she heard unkind words being spoken by a mother to her daughter. Maralee said, "Words linger...words wind their way through our mind dropping off in every nook and cranny. They're never forgotten. Our sub-conscious holds on to them. After all our parents voice is our first voice of truth. Mama said it's so, so it has to be right."