Wednesday, March 6, 2024

It is National Oreo Cookie Day!!!!

What a fun and tasty day to celebrate!!! My grandsons absolutely are "fans" of Oreo cookies . . . after all, they are quite the tasty treat! Since today is National Oreo Cookie Day, I thought it would be fun to share a few, "Oreo facts" with you . . . 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures


Over the past few years I have written several books which are designed to help lead grandparents and parents in praying through the Scriptures for their walk with God and for their children's/ grandchildren's walk as well. I led the G@P (Generations at Prayer) group at my church and we worked through my books, so last year I wrote a new book for my group to use with a focus on praying both Old and New Testament passages for the children we love who are walking with God and those who are not. Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is available in paperback and makes a fantastic gift for the parents and grandparents you love!

Look what Wayne Rice says about my book - 

The Dr. Seuss Quote for Today - You'll Miss the Best Things . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today . . . "You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut!" Wow! This short saying has some powerful truth in it! When I think about missing the "best things" by "keeping my eyes shut" I think about  missing out by not using the gifts and talents with which God has blessed us. I Corinthians 12:5-7 says, "There are different ways to serve the same Lord, and we can each do different things. Yet the same God works in all of us and helps us in everything we do. The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.!" We need to open our eyes and use these gifts so we don't miss the "best thing" of serving God!

It is Read an E-Book Week

I love books, but when I think about books, I picture traditional books you hold in your hand and turn pages - real paper pages. I'm old. Today when many people think of books, they picture an e-book which they are able to access on a tablet, computer, or phone. It is this type of books - techy, e-books which are being celebrated this week!

grandma's cookbook - Oreo & Fudge Ice Cream Cake

Tomorrow is National Oreo Day, so I thought I'd get you ready by sharing a recipe I found as I browsed the Kraft recipes - I came across a recipe which left me with only one word I could say . . . WOW!!!!! Chocolate pudding, Cool Whip (although I think you could easily substitute real whipping cream in this recipe), Oreos, Chocolate Fudge topping and Ice Cream Sandwiches . . . mix all together and you have a dessert which will leave everyone who eats it saying, "WOW!!!!"

Monday, March 4, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too!


Yesterday I wrote about my book,   Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! - and shared endorsements from several people. Today I want to let you know about another book which will help you pray deeper for the ones you love - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you through 52 weeks of praying through the Psalms for your own walk with God and for the ones you love as well. It is an excellent tool for you to use to help you in your walk and makes a great gift for the parents and grandparents you know.

The Dr. Seuss Quote for Today - Today Was Good . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today . . . "Today was good! Today was fun! Tomorrow is another one!" If we are people who have experienced God's incredible love and grace, then we have something to celebrate each and every day!  Psalm 118:24 says, "This day belongs to the Lord! Let's celebrate and be glad today!" We can celebrate because our days do belong to the Lord! Some of our days are filled with good things, good times and good experiences . . . it is easy to celebrate and be glad on those kinds of days!  Some of our days are sad, difficult and trying . . . it can be difficult to celebrate on those kinds of days. On the difficult to celebrate kinds of days, remember Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

March is National Reading Month

Days of the Month (dot) com says, "With the power to provide knowledge, enact the imagination, improve mental abilities, enhance conversational skills, and so much more, reading truly does hold a key to changing the lives of children and adults all over the world!" I absolutely agree. Reading is an essential thing for us to do with the children we love, encourage and help them as they learn to be people who read, and then encourage them to be people who read all their lives - and absolutely model this for them as well.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love


Today I want to share a book with you which you could use to help you pass faith to your grandchildren.  I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today - Why fit in . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today . . . "Why fit in when you were born to stand out!" I love this for grandmas . . . we can be grandmas who stand out! I know I don't want to be a "ho-hum" grandma. I want Josiah and Caleb to believe their grandma is the best ever! As you go through this day, take a moment to remember, while the temptation to "fit in" may be strong, God created each of us as unique individuals who are valued and loved. The verse I shared yesterday is one which applies to today's quote, too. Jeremiah 29:11 says,  "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" God has plans for us and these plans give us hope and a future!

Best Sculpture Park in the USA - Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

I am very happy to share some wonderful news with you - Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park has been chosen for the second year in a row as the best sculpture park in the USA! You are able to read about it on USA Today's page at this link - and learn about nine more parks which made the top ten.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Learn About Your "Faith & Prayer DNA"

Our DNA is a truly amazing and essential part of who we are, as it holds the "code" or instructions for the things which make us unique as well as for the things we share. It connects us with the generations who came before us; as well as with those who come behind. It is the core of who we are physically. 

Yes, our physical DNA tells our cells and bodies how to Develop, Live and Reproduce, but let's think for a moment about another type of "DNA". A Spiritual DNA. More specifically, our "Faith and Prayer DNA". What are a, "Faith and Prayer DNA" you ask? Well, just as our physical DNA provides the code for how our bodies develop, live and reproduce, our "Faith and Prayer DNA" gives us the code or instructions which help us learn to develop a strong walk of faith, live as people who believe and reproduce by handing down to our children and our children's children a strong, confident and healthy walk of faith. 

just for fun - It is Dr. Seuss Day!

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday! I found a great "write up" about this day on-line, so I thought I'd share it with you . . . "Today is Dr. Seuss Day, a full twenty-four hours to make a mess with the Cat in the Hat, dance around with the Fox in Sox, hear a Who with Horton, count the red and blue fish, help the Grinch see the error of his ways, and listen to Sam I Am’s friend complain about his dish of green eggs and ham!

Dr. Seuss Quote for Today . . . Don't Cry Because It's Over . . .

The Dr. Seuss Quote for today . . . "Don't cry because it is over - Smile  because it happened!"  This is a quote which makes me stop and think. As you go through this day, take a moment to remember, as we go through life, there will be times we rejoice and times when we wonder what is happening. The important thing to remember is God knows what is going on - even when we do not. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"