Sunday, April 14, 2024

Give the Gift of "Why" for Mother's Day


Mother's Day is a month away, so if you are looking for a gift to give a mom you know, consider giving them the gift of "why" with the new book - the little answer book. This little book will give them "whys" to share with the ones they love - to equip them to have a confident faith, and to have important conversations with the ones they love who have turned away from their faith.

Just for Fun!!! Even More Animal Mom Facts!

There are so many interesting and amazing animals in the world, so learning about them is usually lots of fun! When you add in the "mom facts" . . . these animal mom facts are even more interesting! Check these bits of animal mom trivia I found on-line . . . 

A Simple Mother's Day Idea Which Will Be Treasured!

Our grandchildren grow up so fast . . . just as our children did. I'm very thankful for photos and for handprints which help me remember them when they were little . . . so when I saw this handprint idea on  Pinterest, I knew I had to share it with you!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

just for fun!!! Did You Know . . . Pangolins!

a  While Pangolins may look and sound like they could not be a real animal, they actually are! Here are a few fun facts about them - did you know - 

Just for Fun - Animal Mom Facts - Elephants, Opossums, Cats, Oysters and Whales - Oh My!!!

I've been sharing some Mom "trivia" I found on-line the month before  Mother's Day, so I thought today it would be fun to share some animal mom fun facts! Did you know . . . 

crafting with grandma - Life-Sized Drawings!

One day, several years ago, when my sweet grandsons were younger, we took some large paper and had them lay on the paper, on the floor while I traced around them. They then got to work turning the drawings into, Super Robot versions of themselves!!! 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Just for Fun - It's Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

Today is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! Who knew there was such a "day", but apparently there is! I looked on-line and found the following information about Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day . . . 

Just for Fun!!! More Mom Facts!

Mother's Day is a month away, so are you ready for some more "Mom Facts"? Check these bits of trivia I found on-line . . . 

crafting with grandma - Mother's Day Wind Chimes!

If you are looking for a craft you could help your grandchildren make for their mom for Mother's Day, consider this one I found on Pinterest  . . . wind chimes!!! They will be able to decorate the clay pots however they like - just give them permanent ink pens . . . yes, I know the potential for getting ink on them is quite high, but you'll be able to remove or cover their shirts and have anti-bacterial hand gel available because a little of this takes ink off of hands . . . and arms . . . and faces . . . pretty much any skin which they may get ink on! And yes, they are more likely than not to get ink on their skin!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Just for Fun!!! Did You Know . . . Bees Knees!

Did you know . . . every bee has a special brush located on its knees  which it uses to clean the pollen out of its breathing apparatus when it comes out of a flower. Without the brush, the bee will  suffocate. God designed the bee to have this brush because He knew what each part of His creation needed to survive!

Just for Fun!!! - Mom Facts!!!

With Mother's Day just a month away, I thought it would be fun to look around the web for fun "mom facts" . . . so today, I'm sharing some of the facts and trivia I found . . . Enjoy!

crafting with grandma - Chocolate Chip Lip Balm for Mother's Day!!!

Now this has to be a great gift idea for mom . . . Chocolate Chip Lip Balm . . . and, it is one you could help your grandchildren make for their mom!!! I found the recipe on Pinterest and most of the ingredients are pretty simple items you may already have at your house . . . and you can likely find the beeswax at a local craft store!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Today is Encourage a Young Writer Day!

I love writing! I also love working on writing projects with my grandsons, so a day which encourages children to write is a day I believe to be well worth celebrating! We all know how essential it is for the ones we love to become people who read. When my grandsons were young we spent many evenings reading books and also making up our own special stories, so one day when they were at my house for a sleep-over I had a special project in mind for them. Since my grandsons loved making up stories with me, from time to time they even turned one of their stories into a book for me; in fact, one of my favorite birthday presents ever was the book my oldest grandson made me titled - Super Josiah Saves Grandma from all the Robot Spiders in History! This book is on my refrigerator and when I see it, it always makes me smile!

A Few More Dr. Seuss Quotes!

Last month was "Dr. Seuss Month" and I shared a quote from him each day, but even though it is no longer March, I thought it would be fun to share some more quotes from the "doctor". Have you heard any of the following quotes . . .