I have always been a "fan" of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls! In fact, the first doll I bought my daughter was a Raggedy Ann doll! After all what isn't there to love about these sweet dolls which have been loved "friends" of children for decades??!!! Sweet, huggable and oh, so lovable, Raggedy Ann dolls are classics for a reason!
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
crafting with grandma - Crocheted Raggedy Ann & Andy Dolls!
Just for Fun!!! Did You Know . . . Sand Facts!
With Summer just a month or so away, it is likely you - or at least your grandchildren - will be spending time in or on sand . . . at the beach or in a sandbox! So, I thought it would be fun to share a couple "sandy facts" with you! Did you know . . .
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
did you know - Sumatran Rhinoceros!
Let’s take a closer look at Sumatran Rhinos and how they show us God made them.
Just for Fun!!! Elephant Design!
Flashlights of Doom & Finding KittyKats!
Over the past few years I've shared some of the funny and sweet things my grandsons have said . . . of course, as their grandma I think many things they said when they were little were funny and sweet! So, today I thought it would be fun to share a couple of the funny and sweet things they said. When my middle grandson turned two he decided he had lots of things to say!One day, he was walking around with a flashlight, shining it up on his face saying, "I have a flashlight of DOOOOOMMM!!!" I can assure you the thought this grandma had at seeing and hearing him had nothing to do with Doom!!! He even got his aunt laughing at that one!
Monday, April 15, 2024
did you know . . . Tree Kangaroos!
Let’s learn about some of the ways Tree Kangaroos show us they are something special God designed to live upon some of His mountains.
crafting with grandma - Mother's Day Heart Gift
Just for Fun!!! Plastic Flamingos!
- Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.
- The State of Florida is bigger than England.
- In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can't flow.
- It's against the law to slam your car door in Switzerland.
- An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
- The hummingbird is the only bird which is able to fly backwards.
- The chameleon has a tongue which is one and a half times the length of its body
- There are more plastic flamingos in the United States than real ones
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Give the Gift of "Why" for Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a month away, so if you are looking for a gift to give a mom you know, consider giving them the gift of "why" with the new book - the little answer book. This little book will give them "whys" to share with the ones they love - to equip them to have a confident faith, and to have important conversations with the ones they love who have turned away from their faith.
Just for Fun!!! Even More Animal Mom Facts!
There are so many interesting and amazing animals in the world, so learning about them is usually lots of fun! When you add in the "mom facts" . . . these animal mom facts are even more interesting! Check these bits of animal mom trivia I found on-line . . .
A Simple Mother's Day Idea Which Will Be Treasured!
Our grandchildren grow up so fast . . . just as our children did. I'm very thankful for photos and for handprints which help me remember them when they were little . . . so when I saw this handprint idea on Pinterest, I knew I had to share it with you!
Saturday, April 13, 2024
just for fun!!! Did You Know . . . Pangolins!
a While Pangolins may look and sound like they could not be a real animal, they actually are! Here are a few fun facts about them - did you know -
Just for Fun - Animal Mom Facts - Elephants, Opossums, Cats, Oysters and Whales - Oh My!!!
I've been sharing some Mom "trivia" I found on-line the month before Mother's Day, so I thought today it would be fun to share some animal mom fun facts! Did you know . . .