Saturday, April 27, 2024

grandma's chuckles - "Gimli!! Gimli!!! Gimli!!!!"

Today I'm remembering almost nine years ago when my grandsons were at my house and the youngest who was 18 months, was frustrated about something and said; "Gimli!! Gimli!!! Gimli!!!!" I found this to be very funny because Gimli is the name of my grandson's dog and Gimli is an aggressive chewer. There has been a number of times when my son and daughter-in-law have walked into a room and found things all chewed up all over their floor. I suspect it is at times such as these my sweet grandson has heard his parents say; "Gimli!! Gimli!!! Gimli!!!!" Apparently, when you are frustrated you say; "Gimli!! Gimli!!! Gimli!!!!" See why I thought it was so funny for him to say this?!!

Summer Fun at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

If you live in or near West Michigan, you not only know what Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park are, but have likely visited them; more than once. If you do not live in this area of the country, you may not be familiar with them, but today I'm very happy to share with you about this amazing and beautiful place where you and your grandchildren will be able to explore, discover and have tremendous fun together!

I'll start with sharing how they describe themselves and then what my family thinks of them; Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park says . . . 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Hand Down Confident Faith with the little answer book for children

I want you to know about Barna's and Gallup's recent polls - for a very important reason . . . because we must stand up and take action to stop the loss of the ones we love. If someone does not speak up and ask others to join them, how will grandparents, parents, and church leaders know there is a way to stop what is happening? 

Today is National South Dakota Day

South Dakota was the 40th state to enter the union and today is National South Dakota Day, so of course we will look at some interesting facts about this State and some of their silly laws - did you know . . . 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Who do you love?

Who do you love? Your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your extended family, friends? Who do you love? Do you take time to intentionally let the ones you love, know they are dearly loved? There is so much hate and division in our world, now more than ever, it is essential for us to be intentional about reminding the ones we love, how dearly they are loved.

grandma's chuckles - "A grandma's Lap is a Place for a Boy!"

This grandma's heart is overflowing with joy as I remember this post from ten years ago! On this particular day, when my grandsons were at my house, I was working on getting my posts up on my two blogs. My five year old grandson walked over to me and said, "A grandma's lap is not a place for a computer . . . it is a place for a boy!" I smiled, set my computer aside and told him I completely agreed with him! He smiled and climbed into my lap and we had a wonderful time of snuggling!

Spread Hope

I wrote earlier this month about how April is the National Month of Hope - on they say it is - "simply to counteract the difficulties life brings by dedicating this month and encouraging people to spread hope around their neighborhoods, communities, and all around the world." Since there are so many people in our families, neighborhoods, communities, and world who struggle to find hope, I wanted to write to remind us to do what we are able to do to  counteract the difficulties life brings by dedicating ourselves to spread hope around our neighborhoods, communities, and all around the world.

Consider the following ways to spread hope . . . 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

did you know - Grasshopper Mice!

Living from southern Canada, through the desert of Southwest United States and into Mexico is a very amazing, mighty, mouse the Grasshopper Mouse. These mice remind me of Nehemiah 9:6 You are the Lord, You alone. You have made heaven, the earth and all that is on it; and You preserve all of them. 

God made everything on Earth, including Grasshopper Mice so lets see what we are able to learn about them . . .

·  When you think about animals which are ferocious predators, you typically do not picture tiny mice . . . but after reading this, you will!

Just for Fun!! Sea Anemones, Hermit Crabs, Watermelon, Corn & More!

When I look at the world around me I see a creation which is too amazing, too intentional for it to have just "happened" on its own. I am not able to ascribe an intelligence and incredible ability to creatures which allows them to determine they need legs, or opposable thumbs, or wings, or whatever to survive and then just "evolve" to have those things on their own. I'd love to be able to have wings so I can just fly quickly to wherever I need to be, but no matter how much I want wings, I'm never going to "evolve" and be able to grow them!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

did you know - Helmeted Hornbills!

In a small area of Thailand and Indonesia, you may discover a unique, odd-looking bird the Helmeted Hornbill, and when I think about it, I remember Job 12:10

In his hand is the life of every living thing.

The Earth is full of the creatures God made; some of them are quite unexpected; like the Helmeted Hornbill. Lets take a closer look at this bird . . .

More Quotes from Dr. Seuss!

This past Saturday my sweet grandsons spent the night - they typically do on Saturdays, and since my oldest grandson is just a few months from being 16, I know what an amazing blessing it is the boys still want to come for their weekly sleepover! Not only did they come over, but my oldest grandson also wanted to make cookies, so he made Toll House Cookies - they were delicious! It was such a fun and wonderful weekend!

So, with a mind for "fun", I thought it would work to share some additional Dr. Seuss quotes with you!

Taking the Centuro Mini for a "Spin"

Over the past year or so I have written about the Centuro Mini Mobility Scooter sent to me for review by Bischoff & Bischoff (one of Europe's largest manufacturers of rollators and mobility scooters.) I wrote how I was impressed with the design, quality, and attention to detail in the Centuro Mini. Well, this past week my huband and I visited Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park and I definitely was able to take the Centuro Mini for a "spin"! Today I am so happy to let you know more of what I think of it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

did you know - Fairy Penguins!

Living along the southern coast of Australia, and the entire coasts of Tasmania, and New Zealand is a tiny penguin known as the Fairy Penguin. See what we learn about Gods creation in Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens. 

Lets look at a unique birds God created which does not fly through the air, but does fly through the sea -

Today is National Oklahoma Day

Today is National Oklahoma Day, so of course we will look at some fun facts about this State and some of their silly laws as well - did you know . . .