Monday, May 20, 2024
illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Man with Leprosy & The Two Builders & The Lost Lamb Now Available!
crafting with grandma - Jesus Loves Me I Spy Bottles
Sunday, May 19, 2024
illustrate My Own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Woman at the Well and - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
own series, today I have two more new books to let you know about -Illustrate My Own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Woman at the Well and illustrate my own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - both are sure to engage you and the children you love with familiar Bible accounts and help you learn the important things Jesus wants you to know!
grandma's bookshelf - Sidney and Norman - a tale of two pigs
Today I'm happy to let you know about a book I particularly enjoy. It is an older book, but definitely one worth getting if you do not already have it.
I love children's books because they typically tell a good story, with illustrations and a point . . . something to talk about with children. But I also love children's books because more often than not they have a point for adults, too! This book is most certainly one such book . . . while you may think it is a children's book . . . it is actually a book for adults!
Kick Off Summer with an Awesome Children's Day Gift!
As I've been saying, Children's Day is June 9th, so if you are looking for something amazing you could give to your grandchildren, check this idea I found on Pinterest for a Backyard Ball Run - credit for the photo is from the link above. I LOVE this idea . . . it is one you could use for all your grandchildren to share and enjoy together! Give them each a small package of special items to drop through the ball run and the pieces and involve them in setting it up on your fence - or their own fence at home! What FUN!!! This is a gift your grandchildren - and their parents and you too, can enjoy all summer long! :^)
Saturday, May 18, 2024
illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books - the good Samaritan & Martha & Mary
If you are looking for a fun idea for an activity you could work on with the children you love this summer, check out my illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books! In these books you all will have the opportunity to learn something very important! God had John, one of Jesus’ disciples; write the book of John and in John 21:25 he said, “Jesus also did many other things. What if every one of them were written down? I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Think about that! Jesus said many things, and helped many people we don’t know about, so why did God include the account of the time when Jesus went to Martha's and Mary's home and why did Jesus tell about the Good Samaritan? Because He had something important He wanted us to know!
It is "I Love Reese's Day"!
Friday, May 17, 2024
illustrate my own Books ARE for You!
If you are not an artist, or artistic person, when you see a book which you need to provide the illustrations for, you may think it is not the book for you. But, in this case with the illustrate my own Known Bible Hero, illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero, and the new illustrate my own Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books, nothing could be farther from the truth!
Today is National Idaho Day
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Give a Gift Which Makes a Difference on Children's Day & for Birthdays - the little answer book for children - and it is on Sale!
Get Out this Summer and Move with the Alevo Alu!
Do you, or someone you love, have challenges with mobility? If so today I want to take time to write about the Alevo Alu as this rollator will "open the door" for you to get out and enjoy being more mobile or mobile with more confidence.
If you find you are having difficulty getting around whether due to a medical issue or age, but want to be able to get out and move more, consider getting a rollator to help you do so! (If you do not know what a rollator is, picture a walker with wheels.)
DIY Toys for Children's Day & Summer Fun!
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The 4N1 from Miracle Mobility - the Flexible Option Which Gets Attention!
I recently was at the store with my husband and while I waited for him a woman came over to me and started asking questions about my 4N1 - which I was using. She said she had never been anywhere where she saw anything like it before and thought it would something she would absolutely use. I told her I loved the flexibility it provides - on days when I'm more mobile, I am able to walk with it and use it like a rollator. On days like this day when my knee is extremely sore, I am able to use it as an motorized chair.