Saturday, May 25, 2024

illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - Deborah & Jael, Jeremiah, and Joshua

Over the past two days I have let you know about half of the illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - today I want to let you know about three more . . .

Grandparents Day - Send Kisses!

Several years ago on the Today Show they showed a great idea for a craft which you could help the children you love make for someone special in their life, take a look at this one!

Friday, May 24, 2024

illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - Josiah, Job, & a Donkey which Talked

Do you know about Josiah, Job, and the Donkey which Talked? Well, there are now illustrate my own - Unknown Hero books and each of these which will help you and the ones you love not only learn about them, but also learn the important lessons we are able to learn from them . . . 

grandma's chuckles - "You Have to be Brave to be a Super Hero!"

Eleven years ago when my oldest sweet grandson was four years old he was really into Super Heroes! He LOVED the VeggieTales movie,  The League of Incredible Vegetables  and he LOVED his Super Cape! He "flew" around my house singing, "♫♥♪ I am Super and I am here ♫♥♪ to save the day! ♫♥♪" He told me while he was a child he just pretended to be a Super Hero, but when he grew up he would be a Super Hero for real! Did I mention he had a "super" imagination?

One day while he was being "Super" he came over to me and said, "I'm Super and you can be Super Grandma!" I said, "Okay! My 'super power' will be Super Kisses and Hugs!" He let out a HUGE sigh and said, "Okay, but you HAVE to have a super power for when you fight bad guys, too." I said, "I don't know if I can fight bad guys." to which he replied, "You have to be brave to be a Super Hero."  

Thursday, May 23, 2024

illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Heroes - Enoch, Jehoshaphat, and Moses

Today I want to share with you some information about three of the illustrate my own - Unknown Bible Hero books . . . Enoch, Jehoshaphat, and Moses. Each of these books share the true account of how God worked in the lives of these real people - and will help readers learn how God will work in their real lives, too!

Fun Idea for Children's Day

Children's Day is June 9th this year - it is always the second Sunday of June. So, if you are looking for a fun idea you could try for a gift with meaning, consider making handprint blankets. Just gather the supplies and wrap them up. Then, when your grandchildren open their gifts, you all will be able to make the blankets, put their and your handprints on them, let them dry, and then they will have a special blanket which will remind them of your love for them throughout the coming years.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero books - No "Ordinary" Bible Person Storybook

If you are not an artist, or artistic person, when you see a book   which you need to provide the illustrations, you may think it is not the book for you. But, in this case with the illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero booksnothing could be farther from the truth! These books give you the unique opportunity to engage with the children you love in ways you never have when you read a book about a real Bible person, since you and/or they will be providing the illustrations. This means you get to talk about what is happening, think through what the Bible person is saying, and basically really pay attention to the details so you are able to provide the illustrations! Just think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have about the Bible people and how what they learned applies to you as well! These books are no ordinary Bible person storybook!

An Important Word of Caution

If you are blessed to be a mom and grandma, take a moment to think about something which is so vitally important. Do you focus on making sure your own children and grandchildren know they are truly valued and loved by you, or do you let others be the ones who receive your love, attention, hugs, spoken words of affirmation, etc? Now, I am not saying people who are not your children or grandchildren should not receive your love, but if they do and your own children or grandchildren do not, then you need to stop and think about what you are doing.

grandma's cookbook - Children's Day Treat - S'mores!

Children's Day is on June 9th, and if you are looking for a fun recipe you could make with your grandchildren to celebrate children and fun, look at this recipe  for S'mores I found on Pinterest! Follow the link for the recipe and plan to make these with your grandchildren on Children's Day! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

illustrate my own - Check Out this Series

Quite a few years ago I wrote a series of books for children about Bible people. I was motivated to do so because when you see books about Bible people, they are usually about just the same few Bible people and there are so many more people in the Bible with fantastic accounts of how they were able to know and walk with God. I enjoyed writing the Bible stories, but am not an artist, so I thought maybe it would be fun to write a series of books with an "illustrate my own" "twist" - so the children - and/or families - could illustrate their own books!

Children's Day Fun . . . Make Your Own Side-Walk Chalk!

Children's Day is Sunday, June 9th, so if you are looking for something fun you could make for your grandchildren, or have them make, take a look at this "recipe" I found online to make your own side-walk chalk! Just follow the link and get ready for lots of fun!

Monday, May 20, 2024

illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Man with Leprosy & The Two Builders & The Lost Lamb Now Available!

I am happy to share with you the new  illustrate my own - Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know  books with you - today I have three to share with you. In these books the children you love, and even your entire family, will have the opportunity to learn something very important! God had John, one of Jesus’ disciples; write the book of John and in John 21:25 he said, “Jesus also did many other things. What if every one of them were written down? I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Think about this! Jesus said many things, and helped many people we don’t know about, so why did God include the accounts of the time when Jesus healed the mane with leprosy, or tell about the two builders, or the lost lamb? Because He had something important He wanted us to know!

crafting with grandma - Jesus Loves Me I Spy Bottles

Children's Day is June 9, 2024, so if you are looking for a special craft/gift idea you could use to involve your grandchildren in making to celebrate Children's  Day and how special and loved they are to you and to Jesus, consider making Jesus Loves Me I Spy Bottles! I found a link on Pinterest for making I Spy Bottles, and thought you could make them unique and special for Children's Day by doing the following things -

Sunday, May 19, 2024

illustrate My Own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Woman at the Well and - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Yesterday I shared with you two new books in the illustrate my
own series, today I have two more new books to let you know about -
Illustrate My Own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Woman at the Well and illustrate my own – Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - both are sure to engage you and the children you love with familiar Bible accounts and help you learn the important things Jesus wants you to know!