Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Summer Reading - Blue Stars: Mission One - The Vice Principal Problem

The other day I received a package of books from Candlewick Press - one of them is a graphic novel which my youngest grandson finds interesting. I love it when he finds books interesting! Today I am happy to let you know about the book - Blue Stars: Mission One - The Vice Principal Problem, by Kekla Magoon and Cynthia Leitich Smith, illustrated by Molly Murakami - maybe a child you love will find it interesting, too!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Summer Reading - Keep Up Duck!

Summer may officially be a few days away, but here in Michigan it is in the 90's and humid - not very comfortable for sure. But warm or not, Summer is the perfect time to engage the children we love in reading books. Studies consistently show if we begin reading to children when they are babies they will begin to talk sooner, will have a larger vocabulary, will read for themselves sooner, and will do better in school. Even one of these reasons for reading to children are enough of a reason to do this, but all four make it clear - reading to and with the children we love is something we are able to do which truly matters.

So, over the coming weeks I'm going to share with you about some wonderful books you could get to read to and with the children you love. Today I'm very happy to let you know about Keep Up Duck! by Ivan and Rachel Bates, published by Candlewick Press.

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Family of Her Own for Candy - Great Story to Encourage Reading in the New Year


Two summers ago my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

More Summer Fun . . . Water Balloon Pinatas!!!

Okay, on a hot summer day - such as today, what could possibly sound more fun than making - and breaking - water balloon pinatas???!!! Just think of all the fun you could have with your grandchildren and a bag of balloons!!! I found this idea on Pinterest and then bought a bag of balloons, because as much as my grandsons love to play in and with water, I knew this was something they were sure to LOVE - and they did!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I have MS, so I use a cane to help me get around. It has an elephant on the handle and when I am out and about, it is not unusual for people to stop me and comment on how much they like my cane. When this happens I usually share a few "elephant facts", which I'm going to share with you today.

A Fun Gift Idea

Today is Father's Day, so first of all, Happy Father's Day to all the grandpas and dads who read grandma's cookie jar!

Several years ago when my grandsons were younger, they spent Friday night and Saturday at my house, so while they were here they made a gift for their dad . . . it is a really fun item to make with your grandchildren for their dad, mom, or for you as it makes a great birthday gift, anniversary gift, or Christmas gift - so I'm sharing a photo and info if you want to help the children you love make one!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too!


Two days ago I wrote about my book,   Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament for Grandparents & Parents, Too! - and shared endorsements from several people. Today I want to let you know about another book which will help you pray deeper for the ones you love - Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Grandparents & Parents, Too! This book will guide you through 52 weeks of praying through the Psalms for your own walk with God and for the ones you love as well. It is an excellent tool for you to use to help you in your walk and makes a great gift for the parents and grandparents you know - and since it is available as a kindle ebook, you could give it as a last-minute Father's Day gift, too.

grandma's cookbook - Father's Day Truffles!

Father's Day is tomorrow, and if the dads in your life are like the dads in my life, they are usually difficult to find a perfect gift for them! So, when I was browsing on  Pinterest yesterday and saw a recipe for M&M Cookie Dough Truffles . . . well, they looked to me like Father's Day Truffles! (I know my hubby LOVES M&M's and cookie dough!) 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Today is National New Mexico Day

If you live in New Mexico, today is a day to celebrate as it is National New Mexico Day! So, whether you live there or not, let's take a minute or two to learn about some of their silly laws and some interesting fun facts about this State as well - be sure to share them with your grandchildren! Did you know . . .

A Simple, Meaningful and Personal Father's Day Craft . . .

If you are looking for an idea for Father's Day - which is just two days away, check this one I found on Pinterest! I love how personal it is and how it gives you a way to involve even your youngest grandchildren!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Resources to Help You Pass on Your Faith - Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love


Today I want to share a book with you which you could use to help you pass faith to your grandchildren.  I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

Summer Fun . . . Squirt Gun Volcano!!!

Around this grandma's house when my grandsons were younger, squirt gun "fights" were great fun! So, when I found a site on  Pinterest with the amazing idea for a "Squirt Gun Volcano" I knew I had to try it with the boys.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Today is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day

Oh yes . . . one of my favorite store-bought cookies is the classic, Nutter Butter Cookie, so since today is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and I saw a recipe for making a homemade version of Nutter Butters, well, I had to share it, but first let's look at some fun peanut butter facts - did you know . . .

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures for You & the Parents & Grandparents You Love


Over the past few years I have written several books which guide parents and grandparents in praying through the Scriptures for their own walk with God and for their children/ grandchildren's walk as well. I led the G@P (Generations at Prayer) group at my church and we worked through my books, so I wrote a new book for my group to use with a focus on praying both Old and New Testament passages for the children we love who are walking with God and those who are not. Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures is available in paperback and makes a fantastic gift for the parents and grandparents you love!

Look what Wayne Rice says about my book -