Friday, June 28, 2024

Summer Reading - Make it Easy & Fun to Learn about Surprising Animals with Aardvarks, Coelacanths, Colugos & More!


Have you ever heard of a Coelacanth? They were thought to be extinct - the oldest fossils of these fish date back 410 million years! But, imagine how surprised fishermen were when a live Coelacanth was discovered off the coast of South Africa in 1938! From time to time they are found, but not often as they live in deep waters.  Aside from still being alive, two more surprising things about Coelacanths are they typically live 100 years and mom Coelacanths are pregnant for five years! Yes,  five years! I'm SO glad I'm not a Coelacanth.

Make Time for What Really Matters

Yesterday I was thinking about when my grandsons were younger, they spent a lot of time at my house - sleepovers and when their parents were working. Now they are older, so while they still come over nearly every weekend for a sleepover (I am SO blessed!), they do not typically come over in the summer. However, the past couple weeks, on one of the days when both of their parents are working, my youngest grandson - nearly 11 - has wanted to spend the day at my house! Did I mention I am SO blessed!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer Reading - Teach the "Whys" with Jaguars, Lilac-Breasted Rollers, Nautiluses & More!


We parents and grandparents tend to do a decent job when it comes to teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore "what" we believe. But, we do not teach the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good. When we do not teach the "whys" we open the door for someone to question what we believe and for the ones we love to turn away from their faith when they do not know the answers. We must teach the "whys" so they know the answers and are able to have a confident faith.

Pure Joy . . . & Raspberries!

Since yesterday I wrote about the National Day of Joy, today I'm happy to share with you about a time when there was much joy at this grandma's house. Years ago, decades ago, when we moved into the house we live in, my sister (who lived down the street and around the corner at the time) gave me several raspberry bushes to plant in our new backyard. Through the years these bushes produced many, many berries which were enjoyed by my children . . . and then my grandchildren.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summer Reading - Do What Really Matters with Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More!


As parents and grandparents we certainly are able to be inspired and motivated to hand down confident faith to the children we love - yes, it absolutely matters today what we do with them to hand down confident faith - and the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books will help you do exactly this!

Today is the National Day of Joy!

Yes, while it is a wonderful thing for us to experience joy each and every day, apparently today, June 26th, is the National Day of Joy with a focus upon helping us, "enjoy everyday moments to improve our general well-being." So, what is joy?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Summer Reading - Interesting & Surprising Animals, Fun Activities in Cheetahs, Mimic Octopuses, Hoatzins & More!


Each book in the Life on the Goldilocks Planet series is filled with at least twelve interesting and surprising animals - many of which you may never have heard of before! For example, in  Cheetahs, Mimic Octopuses, Hoatzins & More! you will find Cheetahs, Eels, Philippine Eagles, Chameleons, Gerenuks, Mimic Octopuses & Immortal Jellyfish, Hoatzins, Moose, Boxfish, Iberian Wolves, Olms & Mombachos, and Bactrian Camels - which of these have you never heard of before? Did you know there is an octopus which is able to change how it looks to scare away predators by looking like creatures which eat those predators? Did you know there is a jellyfish which doesn't really "die"? Did you know there is an eagle which has blue eyes?

One of the Most Important Things I Do as, "grandma"!

We are almost through the month of June; it won't be long and it will be July! This is one of my favorite times of the year! Why, you ask??? Because all the, "back-to-school" sales will be starting!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Summer Reading - The Best Reason of All to Get Giant Anteaters, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Rufous Potoos & More!


You might be wondering why I am posting pretty much each day about the  Life on the Goldilocks Planet  books - well, there are a few reasons why . . . first of all, this is a fantastic time to get a book, or two to provide a fun resource for the whole family - especially as children are home this summer from school! 

The Best Baby Shower Gift!

I've been writing about the wonderful books Candlewick Press sent me to review - I absolutely believe surrounding our children and grandchildren with books is one of the best things we will ever do for them. The Summer is beginning, so get a new book, or two, or more, and surprise the children you love with them. Books are wonderful resources to use on rainy days, before bedtime, to start the day - at any time!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Reading - Learn the "Whys" with Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More!


Yesterday I wrote about how vital it is for us to hand down confident faith to the children we love by teaching them the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real and God and science DO go together. Today I want to write about what it may look like for us to do this!

Summer Reading - Gray

Candlewick Press sent me several books which I've shared with you - today I'm very happy to let you know about my favorite one - Gray by Laura Dockrill and illustrated by Lauren Child.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer Reading - Today is a Great Time to Get Megabats, Bengal Tigers, Quetzals & More!


As a grandma/mom I know there is nothing more important than handing down confident faith to the ones I love. I wish I knew when my children were young and when my grandchildren were younger, handing down confident faith must include teaching the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good - just as we teach the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe. It is essential for us to teach the "whys", but sadly, there are not many resources to help us do this. There are some, but not many.

Summer Reading - Under the Table

For the past several days I've been sharing with you some of the wonderful books Candlewick Press sent me for review - I have two more, so today I'm very happy to let you know about a book which is so silly and fun, the children you love are sure to enjoy it - Under the Table by Alan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingman will have you all laughing!