Thursday, August 1, 2024

Today is Colorado Day

If you call the Gateway to the Rockies, also known as Colorado, home, then today is a day to celebrate as it is Colorado Day! Let's learn about some of their silly laws and some interesting fun facts about this State - be sure to share with the children you love. Did you know . . .

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

illustrate my own - Check Out this Series


Quite a few years ago I wrote a series of books for children about Bible people. I was motivated to do so because when you see books about Bible people, they are usually about just a few Bible people and there are so many more people in the Bible with fantastic accounts of how they were able to know and walk with God. I enjoyed writing the Bible stories, but am not an artist, so I thought maybe it would be fun to write a series of books with an "illustrate my own" "twist" - so the children - and/or families - could illustrate their own books!

Summer Reading - Oh No, George!

I'm going to start this review out by saying, I absolutely LOVE this book! If you only get one new book for your grandchildren this year, make it Oh No, George!, written and illustrated by Chris Haughton.

Tomorrow, August 1st is National Homemade Pie Day!

Pies bring a lot of joy to people - and while you may not want to bake a pie when the outside temps are high, there are many wonderful recipes for pies which do not require baking. I am very happy to share with you one of my family's favorite summer pies - Lemonade Ice Cream Pie, but first, let's look at a few fun pie facts - did you know . . .

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Family Fun in the Lena Meijer Children's Garden at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

Yesterday I posted about a "Hidden Treasure" at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park - the Stuart and Barbara Padnos RoofTop Sculpture Garden - you will find my post at this link. Today I want to write about two of the particularly wonderful, much-loved-by-children features in the Lena Meijer Children's Garden - the Great Lakes Garden and a summer little "splash pad" inside the circle of children sculptures to your left as you enter the Children's Garden. First let me tell you about the amazing Great Lakes Garden . . .

Summer Reading - What Will You Be, Grandma?

I'm so happy for the opportunity to share What Will You Be, Grandma?  by Nanette Newman and illustrated by Emma Chichester Clark with you which is charming and delightful . . . and imaginative! It is sure to make you smile! As I read this I could just picture some of the ideas my grandsons might come up with for the things I could "grow up to be"!!!

Monday, July 29, 2024

A "Hidden" Treasure at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park - the Stuart and Barbara Padnos RoofTop Sculpture Garden

My husband and I have a grandparents and a guest membership at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park - we go and enjoy this amazing place, typically once a week. We often bring a guest and/or grandsons with us and truly enjoy our visits. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park . . .

Summer Reading - I Dare You NOT to Yawn

If you are looking for a fun, slightly different bedtime story which will have you laughing definitely take a look at the book, I Dare You NOT to Yawn, by Helene Boudreau and illustrated by Serve Bloch. I received this book a few years ago for review and it had me laughing - right out loud! I read it to my husband and he ended up laughing, too! I love unexpected books which actually have a definite ring of truth to them and this is one such book!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Reading - Because Amelia Smiled

Smiles have power. They have the power to brighten the day of others and as Maralee McKee, the Manners Mentor said n her page, "Your smile (or lack of one) is powerful. When given sincerely, it uplifts both those you love and strangers alike. It's your non-verbal signal to the world you are happy to share the current place and space you're in with those around you. When a smile is withheld  it sets the tone for unpleasantness, or at least, tension. Some great things about your smile is it's: unique, free, everyone loves it, and it's usually reciprocated, doubling the blessing! So this week, why not smile at everyone you pass. It lights up your face and makes the world take notice of the happy person (YOU!) who understand a smile is the look (the only one interpreted the same way in every tribe and nation) which speaks volumes of acceptance, understanding, compassion and welcome!"  

The power of a smile is the story behind the story, Because Amelia Smiled, written and illustrated by David Ezra Stein.

I Have a Winner for unshakable moxie & $20 Amazon Gift Card

I am happy to say Gaye Valle is the winner in my unshakable moxie and $20 Amazon Card drawing - Gaye, please email me by tomorrow - July 29th at to let me know your address so I am able to have your prize sent to you.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Today is National New Jersey Day

If you - or someone you love - lives in New Jersey, today is a day to celebrate as it is National New Jersey Day. It is a fun day to look at some of their silly laws and interesting facts - and be sure to share them with the children you love - did you know . . . 

Last Day to Enter my unshakable moxie & $20 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - New Way to Enter . . .

Apparently the link for entering my giveaway is having issues - I'm very sorry. So, if you live in the USA and would like to be in this special giveaway for one  unshakable moxie set and one $20 Amazon Gift Card please comment below. If you share this post, let me know and you will receive an extra entry - the drawing is tomorrow - July 28, 2024

Summer Reading - The Baby That ROARED

I read and review a LOT of books for children . . . since I love books, this is something I enjoy doing! However; every once-in-awhile a book comes along which is a true delight   and   occasionally  one comes along which makes me laugh out-loud! The Baby That Roared by Simon Puttock and illustrated by Nadia Shireenis one such book!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Reading for you - with the Praying Deeper Books


As we continue to look at books for Summer Reading, not just for children, but for parents and grandparents to use to help them pass on a heritage of confident faith to the children they love, I am delighted to share with you three books which will guide grandparents - and parents, too - in praying every day for the children they love! In the interests of transparency, I wrote these books.