Tuesday, August 13, 2024
grandma's cookbook - Peanut Butter Bars!
Back-to-School Handprint Prayers
Monday, August 12, 2024
World Elephant Day!
Today is a special day, it is World Elephant Day! I personally love elephants - especially Pygmy Elephants (which, yes, are a real thing), so a day to focus on and celebrate these amazing animals is certainly a day worth celebrating! Let's start with some fun elephant facts, did you know . . .
It is Time for a Picnic!
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Just for Fun!!! Elephant Design!
When I look at the world around me I see detail, wonder, and design. It is impossible for me to believe it all "just happened" on its own, or one creature had the intelligence to determine it needed legs or wings or whatever to survive and the ability to just grow those things. I believe God designed and created our world to evolve with all the wondrous creatures and beautiful features we can see today!
Today is Son & Daughter Day
I do not need a special day to be thankful for and to remember the joy my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons bring to my life, but today is Son & Daughter Day . . . the day to celebrate our sons and daughters! It also happens to be a great evening to watch the Perseid meteor shower and, since yesterday was also 'Smores Day, one way you might celebrate together is by making 'smores - it won't matter for it to be one day after 'Smores Day.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Make a Difference this School Year by Praying Deeper, Together!
Yet, we know prayer is important. We know, especially in this day and age, we - and our grandchildren (and children) need all the prayer they can get. We want to be people who pray; and people who pray deeply, but are not sure how to be this kind of person.
Today is National Connecticut Day
Friday, August 9, 2024
Make a Difference for Generations with Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith!
When we hand down the faith, we watch for those unplanned opportunities to connect life with God, His Word and how we are able to know and walk with Him. But, we also need to plan opportunities to do these things in a very intentional and purposeful way as well. Handing down the faith tends to be something which we look forward to doing and enjoy, or something which leaves us feeling confused and unable to do effectively. Well, no matter which of these describes you, I am very happy today to let you know about a resource which gives you 52 lessons, complete with science projects, crafts and cooking activities to engage the children you love while also helping them learn about real people from the Bible, how those Bible people chose to walk with God and how they are able to do the same. This resource is called Generations Quest Cultivate the Faith!
Tomorrow - August 10th - is National Bowling Day!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Today - August 8th - is International Cat Day
So, today I thought it would be interesting and fun to look at some cat facts, did you know . . .
Just for Fun!! Sea Anemones, Hermit Crabs, Watermelon, Corn & More!
When I look at the world around me I see a creation which is too amazing, too intentional for it to have just "happened" on its own. I am not able to ascribe an intelligence and incredible ability to creatures which allows them to determine they need legs, or opposable thumbs, or wings, or whatever to survive and then just "evolve" to have those things on their own. I'd love to be able to have wings so I can just fly quickly to wherever I need to be, but no matter how much I want wings, I'm never going to "evolve" and be able to grow them!
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Skydiving . . . in Seven Years!
Happiness Happens Month & Day & Fudge
August is, "Happiness Happens Month" and tomorrow - the 8th - is Happiness Happens Day. I personally think every month and day should be when we celebrate what makes us happy, but apparently August is a time to be sure to do so. So . . . take time today to bring happiness to your life and the lives of those you love.