Friday, August 23, 2024
Grandma - You DO Make a Significant Difference!
He is Darth Vader. I can NOT hug him!
Don't you just love it when your grandchildren show their imagination? Well, eight years ago when my youngest grandson was three, he looked at his Poppa and said; "I'm Kenobi, Kenobi." Then ran at him to attack! Apparently Kenobi, Kenobi (Obi Wan Kenobi) decided Poppa was Darth Vadar and had to attack him! Kenobi, Kenobi did very well - defeated Darth Vadar. I asked him if Poppa might be tired (after about 20 minutes of running full bore at poppa, arms - light sabers - flailing) and maybe he was in need of a hug. To which he said (rather indignantly) "He is NOT Poppa. He is Darth Vadar. I can NOT hug him!" Of course he can not!
Thursday, August 22, 2024
It is National Burger Day
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
The 4N1 - Great for Your Own Use & a Fantastic Grandparents Day Gift for Someone You Love!
If you are looking for a great gift for the grandparents in your life who may need some help with mobility, the Miracle Mobility 4N1 rollator/electric wheelchair is the perfect gift to give to them. I received one to review and went to a local garden/ sculpture park (Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park) and spent several hours driving it inside the building and outside in the garden and sculpture park - the following is what I think of the 4N1 -
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Today is National Bacon Lovers Day!
When my grandsons spend the night, nearly every Saturday, we always have bacon for breakfast the next morning, because they enjoy bacon. I am their grandma, so of course we have bacon! When I saw today is National Bacon Lovers Day, I had to let you know . . . it is absolutely a day to celebrate with the ones you love - if they love bacon! So, let's start with some bacon fun facts - did you know . . .
Monday, August 19, 2024
grandma's bookshelf - My Grandma & Me
If you are like me, you make a practice of keeping your eyes open for resources which you can use with your grandchildren to help them know, love, and follow Jesus. If you do, you may want to take a look at a devotional book, My Grandma and Me.
It is National Potato Day!
It is National Potato Day! Certainly the potato is a very versatile root and able to be fixed and enjoyed in so many ways, it is most worthy of a day to celebrate it for sure! So let's start with some fun potato facts . . . did you know . . .
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Today is National Ice Cream Pie Day - Let's Make Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie!
My family LOVES peanut-butter pie! I've been making it for years . . . ever since my sister shared the recipe with me when I was first married . . . my family has been forever grateful to my sister for this! :^)
I'm very happy to say, the pie turned out wonderfully! It is extremely delicious . . . and makes a wonderful summer pie - or any time pie! So . . . since today is National Ice Cream Pie Day I'm delighted to share my new peanut-butter ice cream pie recipe with you . . . but first a few facts about ice cream - did you know . . .
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Today is National Massachusetts Day
Friday, August 16, 2024
Today is National Tell a Joke Day!
Why don’t cats like online shopping? They prefer a cat-alogue.
What is a cat’s favorite song? Three Blind Mice.
Okay, well, Today is National Tell a Joke Day, so I thought I'd share a few jokes from the Today Show's Jokes for Kids - you will find more at this link, because of course, one big way to celebrate Tell a Joke Day, is by telling jokes!